Embarrassing Personal Photos

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Well, nothing exciting happened in school today. Yup, just the opposite. Count Bitchula and her posse decided that it was time for a special check up. I was doing just fine, minding my own business, talking to some of the other students, then BAM. Something hit me pretty hard in the head.

I tripped over my own two feet but caught myself in time. Standing up, well not really I was hunched over, I put my hand to my head and felt liquid. Checking my hand, there was blood and I'm a bleeder so that isn't good. 

The teacher comes in and sees what happened. He asks, but before anyone can say anything I tell him that I tripped on the steps and hit my head. He excuses me and I walk down to the infirmary. After being patched up, I tell the nurse not to call anyone and I lay there for a bit.

Wasting some time in the infirmary, I head back to class once I feel less queasy. At first I knew that someone threw that thing with intent but not quite sure who it was. Upon return, Yuri and her group were snickering and pointing at me. Ignoring them I sat down and finished the rest of the day. 

The assignment today was to film us either singing or playing a song and do kind of a music video. Leaving today, I decide to take the train today since I still don't feel so well and my hip is still tender. When arriving home, I change into some lounging wear and go up to the living room and work up there.

I hate being by myself, unless I am sleeping.

Not very many people are home right now and no one is up here. I go into the dinning room and study in there. With two weeks until it's due it is best to get it done soon, since it is all suppose to be original. Placing my phone on the table top on silent and my books on the other side, I begin thinking.

In my notebook occasionally I write out a few thoughts. After awhile of being engrossed with my brain storming, I see that they are setting up for dinner. Moving my things off the table, then I help put things on the table with the others. When dinner was done, we went into the living room and enjoyed the evening together.

"So, how was the first day of the new semester?" Masaomi asked.

"It was good but it was a surprise with Fuuto being there." Ema said.

"You guys should have seen Yusuke, it was funny." Azusa said as we all laughed.

"It's not funny, why weren't we informed." Yusuke said while stomping about.

"Fuuto probably had a good reason as to keep it under wraps." Hikaru said.

"And Azusa showed up looking rather dapper."Ema said with a slight blush.

"I'm sorry to do that to you. I didn't realize that Yusuke and yourself was never told." Azusa said lightly.

Kaname looked over at Masaomi who was looking at Ema's camera.

"What are you looking at?" Kaname asked his older brother.

"Look at the photos the new member of the family captured." Masaomi said handing the camera to Kaname.

After Kaname has gone through some he looks at Ema and says, "These are lovely pictures you got here imouto-chan."

Before Ema could reply Wataru started trying to reach for the camera. He started complaining on how Kaname wasn't being fair and throwing a tantrum. Slowly this kids adorableness is dropping ever so slightly with all of his fits he has. I thought it was cute at first but not anymore. Kaname eventually gives in and gives Wataru the camera and he whisks Juli away.

"Thanks. I love to take these pictures and hopefully compile all of them one day." She says.

"Oh, you mean and album. I think we have some empty ones that Mom hasn't used yet." Masaomi stood up and went over to the cupboards right by the television.

"Here it is." There was quite a few so they brought them back to the coffee table with Yusuke's help.

I get an idea and pop up grabbing my ideas. Walking up the stairs, I hop in the elevator an head to my room. After dropping off my things, I fish around for this one box. Pulling it out I smile and head back up stairs. Walking down I see them looking at photos in the albums and Tsubaki is here now. Typing out I say.

Ema, I have some photos from our childhood and the ones you sent me over emails.

I put the box in front of her and watch as her and the brothers go through the photos. I pick up one of the albums and thumb through it. It was going well until I heard someone coughing. Looking up, I see Masaomi with a red face choking.

"What's wrong Masa-nii?" Azusa asks.

Slowly Azusa walks over and pats Masaomi's back. Kaname picks something up off the ground and flips the photo over. 

"Now I know why for the reaction." Kaname said staring at the photo.

"Now, I'm interested. Kaname let me see." Tsubaki said. Kaname hides the photo and pushes Tsubaki away.

Confused, I sat up putting the album down. Now the two brothers are blushing as Hikaru walks over and steals the photo from Kaname.

"Hikaru, don't look." Kaname said. Too late.

"Now my dear onee-chan, who knew you can be so scandalous." Turning red he flips the photo around and I see it.

It's the photo Michael took of me when we were in Hawaii for a performance. It was our off day and we went to the beach. Of course you go swimming in bathing suits but I forgot mine so Michael bought one for me. No idea how he knew my measurements but he did. Anyway, at the beach we were having fun and we had taken some photos. This photo was taken when my bikini top and bottoms were falling off of my body. 

See we were playing with water guns. It was the high powered stuff. Aggie and Henry were both aiming at me and my bikini was loosening. He some how caught the photo at the right moment of when I am still covered but you can obviously tell that my outfit is about gone.

I turn bright red and rip the photo from his hand. Quickly I go through the box and pull out the embarrassing photos. Going through the pictures, it's easy to see that Michael messed with my photos seeing that these were put some where else. Bad idea to have that guy help me pack at all.

Collecting the 20 photos I see that I am messing 5 more. Looking around I see that  now all brothers here are blushing and so is Ema, I take the photos from them and head to my room. Leaving the box with the clean family friendly photos, I hope they can forget.

Time to die of embarrassment.

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