School Festival Fun

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After class was finished, I rushed to get changed into clothes so that way I can go to my internship after visiting Ema. Putting on a pair of ripped denim shorts over black tights with my boots on. For my top, I have a plain white tee under a green flannel with the pins for the symphony on the flannel. Keeping my hair in a bun, I just throw on a beanie and put on a pair of suspenders and let it lie there. 

Checking over my outfit, I look fine so I gather my things and head out. Taking a train to her school, I manage to find a seat. Sitting there I pull out my notebook and work some more on my music theory. Keeping myself busy from thinking about what my brothers said about me. 

Feeling the train stop, I look up and see that I am at my stop. Walking out of the train, I make my way to Hinode High. Luckily the train wasn't so crowded but when I got closer to the school, the crowd became a bit dense. It's nice seeing that people are enjoying what they put on.

Weaving my way through the crowd, I pull out my phone and look at the information that Ema sent me. Her class is 3-B and on the third floor. Tucking my phone away I figure I can check out Ema's class than Fuuto's, and since Yusuke is in Ema's class it's a bonus. Walking through the crowd at the front entrance isn't so fun, but the students did a good job getting the neighbor hood to participate. The front entrance had booths for food and knick knacks, then area's for children.

I'm impressed.

Seeing that I am closer to the actual building, I grip my bag closer today me and make my way to Ema's class. When I get there I see Yusuke but no Ema. I pull out my phone and tap him on the shoulder.

"How can I help you today?" Yusuke asked straining his voice.

I laugh lightly then type out.

How are you today, Yusuke-nii?

He turns around so fast, I am surprised he doesn't have whip lash.

"Rei-chan, what are you doing here?" He asked flustered.

Before I could respond a voice interrupted us.

"Yusuke-kun, who is this? Is she your girlfriend?" A young brunett asked.

I laugh behind my hand at Yusuke's expression. He can't get a proper sentence out so I respond.

"I'm his older sister. My name is Hinata Remi, it is a pleasure to meet one of Yusuke's class mate's." I said.

Yusuke looks at me surprised, but I focus on the girl.

"Oh, so you are Ema's sister, right? The one that was studying in England?" She asked.

"Yes I am. It sounds as if you and my sister are good friends." She slowly takes me to a table and we converse.

"We are. I have known Ema since the first day of high school. Yusuke what are you doing? Get your older sister something to drink." I laugh lightly at their antics.

"Why are you bossing me around? Aren't you suppose to be working right now?" Yusuke asked the girl.

"Nope, it is my break. Now hurry." She said to which Yusuke left sullenly.

"I'm sorry, I never caught your name." I asked the girl.

"It's Mei." Mei said reaching her hand out.

Taking her hand, I shake it and we continue conversing until Yusuke brings out the drinks.

Placing it down on the table, he is about to leave before I call out to him.

"Yusuke, can you stay here for a minute?" I ask him taking a sip of tea.

To be honest, I am not a fan of tea.

"What is it?" He asks as he comes over.

"Mei, if you don't mind, I would like to talk to my brother for a bit." I asked the girl.

"Of course, it was fun getting to know you." Mei said standing up.

"Like wise. I am happy Ema has a friend like you. Thank you for being kind to her." I said with a closed eyed smile.

The young girl blushes and nods her head before scurrying off.

"What do you want?" Yususke asked curiously.

"Take a seat. You guys aren't very busy and is it so bad to want to talk to my brother." He begrudgingly takes a seat across from me.

"Why are you talking now, but not at home?" He asks me.

"Well, I think it is rude to type out my order and deal with personal affairs like that. Besides, I am still trying get use to the family. I only started speaking a few days before the wedding, before that I haven't spoken for 2 years." I told him.

"Are you comfortable around me?" He asked, slightly flushed.

"I'm not sure yet, but I can tell that what our brothers say about you is only skin deep. I can tell that you are actually very passionate and you have more street smarts than book smarts." I said looking over the room of my cup at him.

"Are you saying I am stupid?!" He grew frustrated at me.

"I never and will never say that. What I mean is that, in this world street smarts can get you alot further in life than just book smarts. You think on your feet and can survive, unlike some of our brothers that if you throw them in a situation, we might have to attend a funeral." I said, lightly chuckling.

"Really?" He said sounding surprised.

"About what part? The funeral attendance or your street smarts?"

"You know which one." He said lightly leaning forward.

"Well, if it is a funeral we are to attend. There will be 13 years that would miss Fuuto and Hikaru, I don't think many will miss him. In fact, someone possibly tipped someone else to do it." I said as we both shared a laugh.

After we calmed down, I continued placing my cup down, "But I am serious Yusuke. You are smart, but in your own way and I know that what ever you dream of, you can accomplish it and surprise everyone in the end. Then we can stand there together and rub it in all of their faces. Like true siblings would." I smiled brightly towards my younger brother.

"Thanks. No one has said that to me before." Yusuke said looking away.

"What are older sisters for." Glancing at the time I jump lightly. "Sorry Yusuke but I have some where to be right now. I wanted to see Ema and Fuuto to. Can you give them my regards." I was putting my bag on when I paused. "Oh, here is some money. Treat yourself." I handed him some money and left some for my tea.

Leaving the room I thanked them and left. Booking it to the station, I only have 10 minutes to make it to the symphony.

Music is My Voice {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now