Meeting My Family

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Ring. Ring.

Picking up my phone and checking the caller I.D., I didn't recognize the number. Deciding to answer the phone and placing it by my ear.


"Remi, this is your Grandmother 

"Oh. Hello Grandmother, how are you this day?" I asked her Walking off the train platform.

"I'm good dear. Sadly I have some bad news." This perked my attention.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I asked kind of panicked as I take a seat in front of the station.

"Everything is fine dear, sorry to worry you, but your Uncle was called away apparently there was recently a passing so he had to go help." 

"How tragic. I'm sorry do you need me to wait here?" I asked.

"That's the thing dear we don't know how long he will be. There should be a bus that you can take to bring you here, near the shrine. I will wait at the bus stop for you."

"That's fine, besides, traveling alone sometimes helps people collect their thoughts." I said smiling and picking up my suit case.

"You sound like your mother. Alright, the bus should be there soon. It should say something about the shrine as one of its destinations." She giggled a little.

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon." I hung up the phone and walked towards the bus stop.

My father, after our little  meeting, did as he promised and sent me the information that he promised. Looking through it, it amazed me on what little there was and that all the information came from a police report and government reports. I got curious and decided to do some research on my own to find more of the truth about my family. Already knowing that they passed tragically, I wanted to know more about them.

It appeared that my Mother was Japanese and that her family is still here in Japan. Even better is that they only lived about an hour and a half away in the mountain side. Looking through that information I contacted who I thought to be relatives of my Mother and I turned out to be her own Mother. We set this all up so I can meet her and the rest of the family.

Apparently, my parents were suppose to come back to Japan to show me to my Mothers side of the family. Sadly, tragedy struck and they didn't hear anything until they were contacted about two months after the incident. By that time I was already with my fathers side of the family. 

My father was an only child and his parents were already older when he was born. By the time he passed they were well in their 80's because he was born when they were in their 50's. Shortly after they my grandmother was deemed unfit to take care of me as my grandfather has passed shortly after their son. That was how I ended up in the orphanage.

So, now I am going to visit my family and complete what my parents wanted to do. 

Show them the new member of the family, just a few years later.

When the bus came, I got on and sat close to the front by the window. Since it was getting warmer, I slipped off my blazer and laid it folded on my lap. Looking out the window enjoying the passing scenery. It was beautiful here, it was all green and lush with wild life. Truly it is something else compared to the concrete jungle back home.

Slowly the bus came to a stop, looking out there was a little old lady standing by the bus stop with stairs behind her. Grabbing my suit case and putting my blazer on my arm, I walked off of the bus and went to the bus stop. Slowly I approached the lady who was looking around, when her eyes came across and landed on me. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth and eyes began to water. Standing in front of her putting my suit case down, I bowed to the lady and introduced my self.

"Hello, my name is Remi Hinata, but you may know me as Amaryllis Yuki Cree." Straightening my posture I smiled to the lady and put my arms in front of me.

The lady smiled and sniffled. Wiping her eyes she looked at me again. "Pleasure is all mine, I am Koyuki Hashiba and I'm your grandmother."

Doing the research, I found out my birth name and would send contacts to my grandmother with my birth name. She was surprised to see that I was alive because no one told her what happened to her grandchild back then. 

Soon she took me into her arms and sobbed on to my chest since I am quite a bit taller than her. She then placed her hands on my face and brought be down to her level slowly. Looking over my features she brushes my hair with her fingers and giggles when she sees something by my ear. I think she found the little birth mark I have by my ear. Looking into my eyes she smile's sadly.

"You look exactly like your mother and father. You have his nose, and mesmerizing blue eyes. Then you have your mothers hair, her pout lip, and her cupids bow. Then your birth mark right by your ear, it's just like your grandfathers." She smiled and hugged me close.

Wrapping my arms around her, I smile. I'm happy that she could see her daughter, my mother, in me.

"Come, I must introduce you to your Aunt and cousins. They are quite a bit younger than you but they are adorable." 

"Lead the way." I said picking up my bag and following her.

Following behind her, she started talking about her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Then she started talking about herself and how her and grandfather met. That grandfather passed away from medical reasons, but she thinks it was a broken heart.

It was fun listening to her as we walked, but to be honest half of it flew right over my head.

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