Much Needed Bonding

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Before Dad left he paid for the bill, so Ema and I left soon after him. In no hurry into any specific direction or any plans, we decided to walk around the neighborhood for a bit. The walk was silent and peaceful. Ema didn't say a word but we entwined our arms and leaned against each other on our journey to no where.

Ema was taking in the surroundings and I just kept my head tilted to the side mulling over all of the information. The streets weren't busy this day so we stopped in at a game and comic shop. Ema went to look at the games and I went to the comics. Since I'm not a particular fan of either, I walk in the direction because I heard that they serialized a manga about BBC Sherlock.

What can I say, I like the Bundt Crumble-cake.

After we were done looking through the store, Ema grabbed me and we headed out. Walking out of the store I decide to speak up.

"Thanks for being here right now." I said looking forward.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be here?" Ema said tugging on my arm.

"I know, but honestly, with the truck load of emotions Dad just dumped on me, it's nice to have you here." I said as I grabbed her sleeves to stop her. She turns to face me. "Really, after everything that we just found out I truly appreciate it."

She reached out and we embraced in a hug. "Your my sister no matter what and I will always be there for you."

I laugh a little and feel a tear slide down my face. "Ditto."

We seperate a little and I wipe my tear. "Are you crying Rei-nee?" Ema asked as she touched my cheek.

I chuckle a little. "It may look like a tear but I swear a convenient rain drop just dropped from the sky and landed on my cheek."

She laughs back. "Is that so?"

"Odd isn't it. Even though it is a beautiful sunny day, a rain drop has fallen." We laugh a little then go back to walking side by side.

"Where do you want to go?" Ema asked.

"Not sure, but I can tell you home isn't an option." I said.

"How about the park?" Ema asked. 

I simply nodded and off to that direction we started going.

Arriving at the park, we walk around the pond on the path and look around. Remembering about the little hidden spot I found last time I was here, we walked in that direction. With it being hidden form prying eyes, we made our selves comfortable and laid there under the cover of the trees by the side of the pond.

With both of us on our back looking around we started a conversation.

"So, how did you find out about your parent's Chii?" I asked my onee-chan.

"Well, it may sound weird, but I had a dream about it. It was Juli in a human form and he told me about my parent's." She said. 

"It doesn't sound weird." I paused for a second collecting my thoughts. "When we were younger, remember how I would we both would talk to Juli. I don't believe that was our immagination because there was too much coincidence in our conversations." 

"I thought you lost your memory from that time, wasn't that when you were sick?" Ema asked turning her head to look at me.

"That's the thing, I can't remember the specifics but I do remember us talking to Juli. You even do it now trying not to let anyone else see it and he squeaks at the appropriate time." I said, looking at a lonely cloud flying over.

"You noticed?" Ema asked.

"I may day dream and tune out alot of things but, I'm not blind. I have seen alot of things since I moved here." I turned my head to look her dead in the eyes.

"Like what?" She asked nervously.

"Things that I wish that I can help you with, but I don't want to make it worse for you." I turned on my stomach to look at the trees around us.

"How can you make it worse for me?" She asked me curiously.

"Sadly, this is one thing you need to learn on your own. Don't get me wrong. I'm not leaving you by yourself, but you have to be a bit more assertive." I told her. A humorless chuckle left my lips. "I should really watch what I say. I think I'm becoming a hypocrite after telling you that when I just hide in the shadows."

Ema looked at me worried, "You're confusing me Rei. What do you mean by you being a hypocrite? Aren't you just giving me advice? Also, what do you mean shadows?"

"I-I. . . ." I didn't know what to say.

After an awkward silence, I stood up and dusted my self off.

"We should head home, it's getting pretty late." Reaching out a hand, Ema grabbed it and off we went.

I don't know what to think.

Have I always been a hypocrite?

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