The "I-Like-You" Game

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After the introductions, we decided to speak all together. The boys wanted to learn more about my new brothers, and they were cool with it. Since it was Sunday everyone was home except Wataru who was over at a friends house. Getting settled in the family room, Ukyo brings out tea and then we all got comfortable. The brothers and Ema were all on the couch. Then the boys were sitting on the ground as I was sitting on Aggie and my torso was leaning against Michael. The brothers offered to make room for us, but we were comfortable on the ground.

We were having a casual conversation until Michael asked.

"So what is that whole 'dinner, bath, or me' thing?" Michael asked.

Tilting my head to the side I ask. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"My friend said it comes up on all of his shows that he watches and he wanted a recording of an actual Japanese girl saying it." Michael said.

"Your friend sounds like a pervert, mein liebling." Aggie said.

"Oh, I know what you mean." Tsubaki said, I glanced at him curiously.

"How?" Some of us asked.

"It has been in some anime's that I have done. Azusa has done some too." Tsubaki said.

"That's right, you guys are seiyuu's. You would say alot of things that are on the script." Louis said softly.

I hummed in thought, then Michael pushed me off of him. Falling on the ground, I turn my head around and glare at him.

"Why did you do that?" I glared at him.

"You should say it for me." He said. 

Rolling my lower half off of Aggie I sit up on my knees and punched him in the stomach. He curled up and fell over holding his stomach. I start swearing in Italian, so that way he knows I am not pleased.

"What language are you speaking?" Ema asked. As Aggie laughs.

"She is swearing in Italian and saying things that will make a whore blush." Aggie said.

I turn around and whine. "Aggie, don't tell them what I am saying."

"I'm not mein hase, I was just explaining what was going on." He said hiding his smile.

"My, our little imouto-chan can be so immoral." Kaname said with a wink.

"You are a holy man and you are saying such things about our younger sister is unacceptable." Ukyo said as Aggie places me on his lap and hide me from Kaname's gaze.

Michael pops back up as if nothing has happened. "So how about it Kitten?"

"Nope." I said simply.

"How about a challenge then?" Michael said deviously.

I perk up and hop out of Aggie's lap and sit in front of Michael.

"Challenge. Reward. Punishment." Said staring deeply into his eyes to see if he is telling the truth.

"Challenge: The 'I-Like-You' Game, Reward: You do the 'dinner-bath-me' thing, Punishment:Food For the Rest of my Trip. He said leaning slightly forward. 

"Your punishment my reward and my punishment your reward. Fine. When." I said sitting straight and never breaking eye contact.

"Now. Place?" Michael said nodding.

"Here. Begin?" I said placing my hand in front of me for a hand shake.

Taking my hand Michael says. "Commence."

"What just happened?" Yusuke asked as Michael and I sat on opposite sides of the coffee table.

"It looked like one of those deals in those mobster movies." Fuuto said as we sat down and got comfortable.

"Is this normal?" Ukyo asked.

"Those 2 are very competitive and it can get physical." Aggie said.

"Should we do something?" Masaomi said worried.

"I would suggest not." Aggie said before sighing.

"This is about to get interesting." Hikaru said.

"What exactly is the game they are doing?" Kaname asked.

"Basically they say things and slowly increase until someone blushes. The one who blushes first, loses." Ema explained.

"Oh." Subaru said, already blushing.

"This should be fun. I don't think Remi would win though, she seems to innocent." Tsubaki said.

"It should be a good laugh." Natsume said.

"But, do they have to be so serious?" Azusa asked.

"I don't think it will be that bad." Iori said.

"Don't speak to soon." Louis said.

"Augustus." Michael and I said at the same time.

He sighed and shook his head, "Start.".

I began. "Michael, I like you." I said with a smile.

"Remi dear, I love you." Michael replied back with a charming smile.

"I love you to Michael, would you be my boyfriend?" I said with a shy smile.

"Kitten, marry me." He said with his panty melting smirk.

"Can we skip the vows and go straight to the honey moon." I said with a fierceness in my eyes.

"You. Me. Bed. Now." Michael said leaning across the table slightly.

"Who said we have to wait for bed." I said leaning in closer.

"Why are you still dressed, I need you now." Michael said standing up, looking down at me.

I get up and look him in the eye. "Clothes can be simply moved to the side, my dear. What are you waiting for?" 

"Look, you wore buttons for me. You made it easy for me to take you." He expertly opened my shirt with one swift motion.

I was furious at this. Not that he opened my shirt, but this idiot hasn't even blushed or blinked once. Then I had a thought. Smirking slightly I stand in an innocent pose.

Taking a small step back I say, "Welcome home dear. Would you like some dinner?" I took a step closer. "Or a bath?" I place a hand on his chest and trail my hand slowly downwards. "Or possibly," Putting one leg between his, I use my other hand to open up my shirt some more. "Even me." I raise my leg that's between his to rub against his inner thighs.

My hand on his body reaches his belt, I move my hand to run along his prominent v. Then when I hit the belt, I follow the belt around his waist and stop on his hip and pull him closer with his belt. Leaning close to his ear I whisper "Possibly, you would like to have me for dinner in the bath." I blew on his ear then bit it.

"We have a winner." Aggie shouted while holding his laughter. Taking a step back, I see that Michael is beyond red with a slight problem.

"I WON, YOU HOSIER BASTARD!!! GIVE ME FOOD!!!!" I said and jumped around in happiness.

Looking at the now laughing Aggie. I tackle him in a hug and laugh at the idiot turning around.

"Where is the bathroom?" Michael asked as I laughed harder.

Not paying attention but every other male person in this room is beet red with the men "adjusting" them self. Except for Aggie, of course, who is laughing at his boyfriends. . . indecency.

"It's a good thing Wataru isn't here." Ema said hiding her beet red face in her hands.

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