Their Love Story

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My grandmother and I were sitting outside sipping on some tea that she taught me how to make. Sitting there and looking out at the groundskeeper's and the forest, it is a lovely little spot. Occasionally we would send smiles and a wave to the workers or people that are walking past. Those that I have met on my trip are all lovely people and they are surprised to hear that I am the "Missing Granddaughter".

"I think I should tell you on how your parents met." Grandmother said as she took a sip from her tea.

"I wanted to ask you, but I didn't know how." Looking down at my lap, I see my cup of tea has a leaf floating inside of it.

"It's alight. You are their child and I should be able to answer some of the questions you have about them." She looked at me and smiled.

I looked up and gave her a small smile back.

"As I was saying, your parents met when they were teenagers." I changed my sitting position to make myself more comfortable for the story. "As you know, your mother is from this area and this Inn was her childhood home. She went to a High School in Tokyo though and your father was here studying abroad. Your mother was about 18 and your father was just a year her senior." We filled our cups with more tea before she continued.

"They were at a festival of the arts. Your mother was a poet and she had entered that festival's poetry contest and won. Your dad though was a photographer and he was taking pictures of the festival as a part time job. One of his photos was of a young lady with black hair and onyx eyes. According to your father, he said, 'When an artist finds beauty and inspiration, one must capture that moment.' and he did." She smiled fondly at the memory of her daughter recalling those events.

"At first your Mother was upset until she saw how good looking your Father was. Your Mother was always a flirt and such a tease to the young men here and apparently your Father was the same with young ladies." I giggled at that bit of information. "She said it was fine as long as she gets some type of commission for the photo he just took of her. Apparently, they flirted with each other and finally settled on dinner. Let's just say that dinner was a disaster. Your Mother said it was one of the worst dates she has ever been on, but she wouldn't change it for the world."

"In other words, being a flirt and awkward is a family trait that I inherited." I giggled and moved some hair out of my face.

"So you are a flirt as well?" She asked giving me a teasing smile.

"According to everyone, I do. I don't do it on purpose all I know is that I am being nice." I said laughing and scratching the back of my neck.

"It's okay, your Grandfather was such a flirt when he was here. He flirted with me when we were friends, to dating, marriage, and even on his death bed." She looked off with a happy smile. I went towards her and gave her a side hug.

"Back to the story, your father didn't want one date to ruin his chances with my daughter, your mother, so he convinced her that the next date would be different and simple. Your Mother was a sucker for a simple picnic in the park and surprisingly that was there next date. It was simple and your parent's continued dating for another three months." She stood up and I followed as we walked out of the house and onto a garden path. Taking her arm we walked side by side as she continued the story.

"When your mother's graduation was coming up, she let your father knew and about her plans. She wanted to travel before she went to University and that she wanted to leave as soon as she graduated. Your grandfather and I knew about her plans, and we were fine with it. Your father on the other hand didn't want her to leave, but if she wanted to he wanted to follow her. They were talking about what to do then your father came to us and asked us the big question."

She looked at me and smiled. "I will never forget his words. He said, 'Now that I found her, I will never leave her. Unless she asks me to, then I shall, but I will take with me the memories and love I have for her.'"

"He was a romantic and a true artist." She gently laughed and we stopped in front of a little pond that houses some koi. "Your Grandfather and I couldn't bare the thought of iur daughter, your mother, from a love as true as his. We gave him our blessing and he proposed in front of the family and close friends."

Lowering myself to the water, I gently glide my fingers across the top. Some of the Koi swim away, while a little turtle swam closer. "They loved each other that much, that my father couldn't bare the thought of being away from my mother. Then my mother couldn't spare a thought to not think of my father."

"It is hard to find the one and sometimes it is harder to hold onto them. Remember that." Grandmother told me as she gently laid a hand on my shoulder.

I look down at the turtle who is now gently nipping my fingers. A sudden wave of sorrow flows over me. Remembering Henry, I shake it from my mind before the atmosphere becomes melancholy.

Or more so.

"What else happened?" I look at Grandmother over my shoulder.

Gently Grandmother lifts her hand and I stand. We continue our walk and trip down memory lane.  "Anyway, when your mother graduated they were engaged. They decided to have two ceremonies, a traditional Japanese ceremony here and then a simple ceremony in England for your father's parent's. It was a beautiful wedding and from the pictures your mother sent me, both were beautiful."

I softly laughed and looked at my grandmother dropping my arm by my side. "How were they able to have two weddings?"

"It was pretty pricey but they kept it small and only invited family and close friends. Your Aunt was able to be your Mother's Maid of Honor in England. My two girls were able to get married one after the other. We were happy to know that our little girl's were happy with the people they chose."

"Isn't that the most that any parent wants for their child. To be happy and to know that they are safe. As well as, that what ever happens the door is always open to them and whoever they bring with them." I ask Grandmother as we make our way back to the house.

"It seems you already know what a parent wants for their child." She says rubbing my arm.

"It only make's sense." Once Grandmother is standing in the door way I release her arm. "Thank you Grandma for today. I promised Aunty that i would help her this afternoo. At the bath house."

"Alright dear, have fun." I gently peck her cheek and make my way to the Inn part of the house.

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