Story of Friendship

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As a child, I had a hard time making friends that were my own age. Instead of talking to children my age, I preferred the company of adults and to listen to their thoughts and views. Other children thought I was odd for not playing with them. Even though I tried, it never worked out.

The boys I wanted to play with, never allowed me to because I was a girl. The girls didn't want me to play with them because they wanted to play house or chase after boys. As a child, I loved sports and rough housing, but I had an imagination that would take me to far away places. Other children thought that what I believed in was childish and could never happened. Then others thought it was weird that I would want to be rough like the guys.

Since none of the children wanted to play with me, I stayed close to my father who would speak to his peers and friends. Adults never judged me and they never said anything about my presence. So, I learned early what adults are really like and why they some times act like they do. Eventually I learned how to carry a conversation with them and their kids thought that I was telling on them. The reason was, was because some parents would tell their children to act like me.

It was like that all my childhood, so it was different when I met Aggie and Michael. They took me as who I am and gave me the friends I always wanted. Michael would go out of his way to tell me good morning and that I looked pretty. At the beginning I hated him because I thought he was making fun of me. After a while he continued doing this and started talking to me. The hate soon turned to annoyance, then friendship. Don't get me wrong he still annoys me, but now it's understandable.

Aggie was my partner for a lot of projects. We would meet all the time outside of class to work on projects. Those projects were mainly for dance and eventually we slowly started hanging out. Since we were both in arts we talked about our love for the arts and shared techniques on how to be better performers. After all of those extra practices that we had for projects and getting to know each other, the teacher saw how compatible we were together with dance. Each dance, depending on the theme, we were able to portray the type emotion that was needed.

With these two hanging around me so much, we all eventually slowly started hanging out together. We were inseparable, then Michael started bringing his one friend who was also in the science division as well. That was Henry and he just fit perfectly into our little group. 

Henry was sweet and so smart that I was fascinated by the way his eyes would twinkle every time you got onto a topic he was passionate about. He was the only rational one and least dramatic out of all of us. Even though Michael was in the science division the boy is still more dramatic than a prima donna. 

At first I had a crush on Michael, but I got over that soon because he would also annoy me a lot of the time. Then I slowly grew feelings for Henry and it felt right. I was so shy to tell him anything about it, but Aggie caught on quick about my school girl crush on Henry that he would do anything he could to get us alone. From all of his constant scheming to get us alone, he ended spending so much time with Michael that they eventually fell for each other.

Naturally if your friends are in love you have to be as well. We never quite voiced our feelings towards each other, but we knew.  He was quite the gentleman and never did anything that would make me feel uncomfortable. We just started acting like a couple even though we never said it.

I think, that is where I went wrong.

Even though my actions spoke very clearly, those sweet words meant for him, never left my lips.

Then it was too late.

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