Coincidence, I Think Not

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I walked slowly to the bath house, not really sure as to where it is. Making my way there I try to remember if where I am going looks familiar because I have only been this way once before. After a few tries I make it to the bath house and walk into the little reception area they have in their.

My Aunt is looking down at something clearly busy. Clearing my throat I catch her attention and she looks up.

"Sorry Dear, I am trying to organize this and figure out how to get your cousins from the station." She said looking frazzled.

"How about I take care of the bath house and such. You can go pick up my cousins. Not to be rude, but you look tired and this might be a good little reprieve." I said walking around the counter.

"Are you sure, I can always have your Uncle go?" She said with a look of regret in her eyes as she brings me in for a hug.

"Go ahead, I should be fine. If not I will send out a S.O.S. a.s.a.p. if that makes you feel better." I said slowly pulling away from her.

"You are a life saver. Alright, my number and your Uncle's are right here by the phone if you need anything. I won't be to long." She grabbed her things and booked it out the door.

Before she left, she handed me a list of things to get for the upcoming festival. Deciding to take care of the list of chores for this place, I started there. Luckily it wasn't much but was there took a while to complete. 

Example, raking, thought it would be easy and done. Nope, there are leaves all over this place. Then, I had to clean all the dressing rooms, which wasn't bad but we did have a few people come in so I had to wait for them.

By the time I finished the chores and assisting people, it was just about six in the evening. At the same time my Aunt just walked in with some young men behind her. After getting my outfit situated, I went to stand in front of the desk. They were talking rather enthusiastically, so I waited until they were done talking.

"Everything good?" I asked with a light smile.

"Oh, Remi, come meet your cousins." She said walking towards me and grabbing my wrists. Not so gently, did she grab my wrists and take me towards the young men. 

Taking anything from their looks, these are my cousins. I only have that inkling because they look so familiar to their mother, my aunt.

"Remi, these are your cousins Sai and Shu." Then she turned to the twins. "Sai, Shu, this is your cousin Remi. You three get along and if you guys don't mind, can you go with your cousin and get things. I still have a few things to do today. Thank you dear for taking care of things for me." She kissed my cheek  and walked away. 

Turning to my cousins, I smile at them. "How do you do?"

They both smile at me and the one to my left says, "Hi, I'm Shu and this is Sai. Sorry if it is hard to tell us apart. When it comes to identical twins, you can't get anymore identical than us."

Looking at them closely, I realized that they do look identical of each other. They both have black hair, kind of styled the same. Onyx eyes that only reflect different emotions. The one on the left, you can tell he is excited. The other set of onyx eyes are calm yet, cautious. Both are taller than me but not by much, but the voice of the one on the left is deep. I wonder what his brother sounds like.

"Please don't be offended if I mess up with your names. I have thirteen step-brothers and I still mess up on their names almost a year later." I said laughing lightly scratching the back of my head.

They both laughed and we started walking out the doors. "It's alright. You have how many brothers?" One said surprised.

"13 new brothers. My father, the one who adopted me, he married a woman who had 13 sons already." I said as we walked towards a little four door.

"Wow, that sounds painful." One of them said.


I already forgot their names.

"Sorry, but do you mind telling me your names again." I asked as we stopped at the car.

"I'm Shu."

"And, I'm Sai. You really are bad with names." Sai said.

Damn it, they sound the same as well.

"I never said I was good. Let's go so we can get back at a decent hour." I said shaking my head while hoping into the back.

Kaname POV

I was walking around the small town that the festival will be held at. It's the only break we will have until after the festival. Deciding to stop into a little shop, I go to look at something sweet too much on.

Walking to the isle, I peruse through what they had. Hearing people coming down the same isle. I decide to stand closer to the shelves to avoid being in their way.

"All right all that we need is some snacks for now." A female voice said that sounded a but familiar.

"No where in the list does it say that we need snacks." Said a male voice, who I think is her companion.

"And no where in the list does it say that we can't." The female said again.

"Apparently, the little dog bites." Said another male voice teasingly.

"You know, there is numerous ways to make a man quite. Some are more G rated and other ways can be very explicit." The female said back.

That caught me off guard.

I know that I can be forward, but damn.

She is another level.

I turn around a little and catch a glimpse of a familiar face.

"Okay Remi, keep it at least PG. We are in a family shop and our parents went to school with the owners." Said one of the men with Rei-chan.

"Geez. I didn't actually say anything bad, unless explicit is now a swear word. Beside, I've said and done worse. Never mind, that sounds like I'm a whore." She said waving it off.

Wait, is this how she really acts like.

Who are those men with her?

"TMI girl. Let's just get your crap and leave." Said the more serious looking one.

"Fine. Give me a second." After Rei-chan got what she wanted, she left.

Turning around I look at where she left and stared.

So, is that really how our little imouto acts like, and who were those people she was with.

Wasn't she suppose to be with her birth family at this time?

Was it coincidence that I saw her today?

I don't know, but this is interesting.

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