Pick Up

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Before Father and Mother left yesterday, they told me that I had one more day and then a car was going to take me to the Sunrise Residence. After that I went into the room and crashed, hard.

I apparently slept through until the next day, literally the next day. It's about 4 in the afternoon and I woke up to the sound of knocking. It startled me, so I ended up on the floor. After untangling myself from the bed sheets I went over to the door. Not even checking my appearance, I open the door.

"Hello again Remi, it's me. . . ." Looking at the man, I see it is the same one from yesterday that I was introduced to.

What was his name again? Also, why is he staring at me like that. Looking down at my appearance, I am in a zip-up hoodie which is open. With my sweats rolled to my hips, with one leg rolled up to my knee the other down, and my lacy charcoal gray push-up bra I wore to the wedding yesterday.

Looking up again, we connect eyes for a second before I close the door. I quickly zip-up my, 2 sizes to big, hoodie and roll down my pant leg. Opening the door, I see that another brother has entered the picture. I believe this one is the oldest and the lawyer is now with the red face.

"Are you okay Ukyo-nii, do you have a fever?" The brunet asked Ukyo.

Ukyo shakes his head and clears his throat as the blushes leaves his face. "I'm fine. I just caught Remi at a bad time."

Masaomi nods his head, not in undestanding but curiosity. "Alright then. Sorry about that Remi-chan. I don't know if you remember, but I am Masaomi and this is Ukyo."He says as he turns to face me and he smiles.

Waving my hand in dismissal, I open the door and step to the side to let them in. "Thank you." They both said as they stepped into the room. Walking over to the mini fridge that is in the room, I opened it and grabbed some drinks that are in there. Making my way towards them I offer them a drink.

"Thank you." "You didn't have to." They both said at the same time.

Nodding my head, I grab my carry on and place it on the bed. Reaching for my phone which is still in my clutch, I take it out. Checking that the charge is still good, I quickly type out something.

I'm sorry about that, I am still getting use to the time and change. It doesn't help to add jet lag and busy schedule after travel.

"Your phone is in English, but we understand." Masaomi said, as he chuckled a little.

I face palm and quickly change my phone to Japanese.


They both laugh, then Ukyo says. "It's alright, we may not be fluent but we can at least understand a little bit."

I smile at that and type out.

Nice to know. Give me a few minutes and then we can go. Sorry again.

I bow towards them, then I grab my bag and rush into the bathroom. Not having much in my bag, I throw on a camisole and put my hoodie back on. Grabbing my travel toiletries, brushing my teeth and a quick face wash. Putting everything back in the bag with the little samples they give you I leave the bathroom.

Walking towards the bed I see that all of my clothes from the last two days are there folded on the bed. With a bra and underwear still on the ground. Looking confused I see that both Masaomi and Ukyo are red.

"Sorry, we thought you would like some help but we thought it would be inappropriate to touch your. . . ." Masaomi says but neither one of them finish that sentence.

Typing out.

It's all good, and thank you for doing that for me. I'm incredibly sorry to make you both uncomfortable.

I nervously laughed and scratched behind my ear. Quickly I shove everything into my carry on bag and look around for my walking shoes. Getting under the bed I see them but they are in the middle. Army crawling to the middle of the bed, I grab them and exit the other side. Coming out I startle someone, looking up I see that it is Masaomi. Waving at him, I get the rest of my body out from under the bed and stand.

"What's that on your hip?" Looking down I see that my tattoo is showing. Quickly pulling up my pants, I turn bright red. Turning around I quickly grab my bag and slip on my shoes. Remembering my clutch I pick it up and go stand by the door.

I never catch who said it, but I am mortified none the less. Opening it, I wave outside and the brothers move wordlessly. We are all too embarassed to say anything.

"Mother and Rintarou has taken care of everything so we can head out." Nodding my head I follow their lead.

We make it outside and into their car. Ukyo offered me the front, but he is much taller then me so I take the back. At the beginning of the ride it was a bit uncomfortable for all of us.

Until Masaomi broke the silence, "So, your sister told us some things about you."

Typing out, I say.

All good things, I hope. If not, its a good thing I wasn't there then.

They lightly laugh, "Nope all good things. So what exactly did you study in England?" Masaomi asked as the tension slowly faded.

The fine arts, kind of a broad spectrum but I wanted to learn as much as I could. I learned dance, stage performance, music, and art, which was a bad idea.

"How so?" Ukyo asked.

What was suppose to be a flower turned into a curly thing. I say that I am more of a doodler then an artist. Bad enough that my teacher asked that I never take his class. I'm good with colors but not actual drawing.

"Well, no one can be good at everything." Masaomi said as he glanced at me from the rear view mirror.

True, and thank heavens for that.

We all laughed and continued the rest of the ride with small talk and getting to know each other.After the ride, I found out a little bit more about them. Ukyo is a very prominent lawyer for his firm even though it is small he is one of their best. Masaomi is a pediatrician that truly loves his job and being able to help people out. We touched a little bit on the other brothers and they told me how they have enjoyed having Ema in the family. They never prodded about why I was speaking even though knowing Ema they told them that I started speaking again.

"Look at that, we are home. Remi, welcome to the Sunrise Residence." Masaomi said.

"Don't worry, Kaname drew you a map so you will be able to make your way through the house." Ukyo said.

Before Masaomi stopped the car, I typed out really quickly.

Thank you for taking care of Ema while I was gone. Also, I am sorry for not speaking. When I am comfortable around everyone, I might speak. I'm pretty sure Ema told you that I have just recently speaking again.

When the car stopped, they both looked back at me. I smiled at them in gratitude.

"That is the least we could do for our new sisters." Masaomi said.

"And don't feel like you have to speak. As long as you are comfortable is all that matters, since this your home now we hope you feel welcomed." Ukyo said.

This just might be a good idea, minus the embarrassment from earlier.

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