Worst Time Ever

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So, Azusa is better and now he can have visitors. Tsubaki has been locked up in his room and Natsume has been over at the house some more. Ema has been helping out Ukyo by taking things to the hospital and Yusuke has been going with her as well lately. Some of the others brothers are going about like nothing happened.

While, I have been walking in on the most in appropriate times when my brothers would be talking to each other.  For example.

The other day-

I was coming home from my internship early because Yamamoto-sensei kicked me out. He said I looked worse for wear then, then the day Azusa collapsed. Walking up to the gate I hear Subaru and Hikaru talking. I guess they ran into each other before getting into the house.

"So, Subaru, what do you think of our sisters?" Hikaru asked.

"Ema is nice and caring. She has been helping out any where she can and she always makes everyone happy." Subaru said.

"That's nice, but what about Remi?" Hikaru asked rather quickly after Subaru finished.

"What do you want to know about her?" Subaru asked rather confused.

"Well, has she came out of her shell? Like is she more open with the family?" Hikaru asked slowly.

"No, she is rather weird. Never speaks or really acknowledge's any of us. Which I think is odd because she can almost always be found in the family room." Subaru said.

"Okay. Mom was just wondering how they were getting along, so I will tell her." I heard foot steps coming this way so, I turned around and put my hood up since I was wearing  a zip up that day.

Then the time I over heard Tsubaki and Natsume.

Ema had just left to take something to Azusa yesterday and I caught her before she left. I forgot something again and had to run back because it was my notes for the internship. We said our greetings then she told me briefly what was going on. She then told me that dad sent me something and that it was in her room. She handed me her keys to grab it, then we went our different ways.

After I grabbed my notebook, I went up a level to get the thing dad sent me. I was passing by when I heard something interesting. Glancing around, I see that the door right by Ema's was partially open. Confused, I look at the name plat and saw that it was Tsubaki's room.

I couldn't help it, so I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Is this because of her?" Natsume asked.

"What are you talking about?" Tsubaki asked back as there was a shuffle of sheets.

"You know what I'm talking about Tsubaki. Don't play dumb." Natsume said frustrated.

"It's not, she is my sister. You know nothing can happen." Tsubaki said.

"Both of them."

"Of course Remi, she is so bland and boring. She may sound interesting but here at the house she is so," There was a pause before he continued." You know."  Tsubaki said.

What the hell was the pause?

"And Ema."

"Ema is sweet and kind. Nothing like her sister." Tsubaki said after a moment.

"That's it." Natsume asked.

"Yeah, but I have a question for you." Tsubaki asked. "What do you think of our sisters?" 

"I can't say much since I don't live with them. What I've seen though, is that they are different. Ema is more outgoing and sweet." There was a pause then he continued. "Then Remi is just there."


Before I heard the rest of there conversations, I left to get my thing from Ema's room then off I go.

So, yeah.

Now, I am chatting with my boys on the walk back home from the concert hall.

"Anything new in your life?" Michael asked.

"You mean my brothers hating me. Nah, nothing. Besides Count Bitchula and her life suckers." I said burnt out.

"Hold on, mein hase, we will come as soon as we can." Aggie said.

"Can you just kidnap me? I would much rather be with you guys than here at this point."

"Yeah, just give us the money take care of you. Your fat ass eats all the time." Michael said followed by a grunt of pain.

"That would be nice, but I am low on cash. So, you can kidnap me and feed me. I have been so frazzled and scatter brained, I haven't had a proper meal since Valentine's day." I said.

"Valentine's day was almost 3 months ago." They said at the exact same time.

"I know."

"How are you still alive!?" Michael yelled.

"I eat here and there. Same with sleep but my fluid intake is stable." I said.

"Darling. You have seriously gone down hill. The last picture you sent us looked. . . sad." Aggie said sincerly.

"Yep. Oh, I have to go I am almost home." I said flatly.

"Okay, but get better." Aggie said.

"Seriously kitten. We love you and be safe." Michael said.

"I'll try. Love you guys." I said.

"Love you kitten."

"Be safe. Love you, mein hase."

We hung up and I was almost home. Walking up, I was putting my phone away when I bumped into someone. Looking up I see that it was Iori.

"Oh, sorry. Are you okay there Remi?" Iori asked.

I simply nodded my head and gave him a thumbs up.

"That's good. Would you like to walk home together?" I simply nodded and we walked wide by side.

"How was your day?" He asked. I took out my phone and typed out.

Long but I'm going home now, so it's all better,

"Aren't you usually home a lot later?"

Yeah. My sensei told me to go home and basically kicked me out.

"Why so?"

Well, he told me that I looked worse for wear.

"You do look a little bit more tired than usual."

Is that so?

"Yeah, but I can't say anything. I haven't been doing well myself." He said in a tone that Iori usually doesn't give off.

I looked at him curiously, before he shook his head.

"Nothing. So, how are your classes?" 

They're okay, bit busy, but okay. How about you?

"For my first time in college I say, they are okay."


By the time I answered we were home.

"Well, I have to check on the flower bed. Thanks for keeping me company on the way home." Iori said with a princely smile.

Right back at you. See you at dinner.

Then we went our own ways. Him to the flower's, me to the lobby then Iori called out.

"What is your favorite flower?"

I shrug my shoulder.

"You won't tell me?" Iori asked.

I type out.

Same day, maybe, but not right now.

Giving a smile and a wink, I hide inside.

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