Cherry Blossoms Accident

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Today was my first day of classes and it was okay. Since the school is pretty small when it comes to music students, those of the same year study together. So Count Bitchula is in my class. Oh, and I gave her a proper name. Story time.

So today in class we were introducing ourselves and some basic information that explains how we got in here. 2% of the class was stuck up and some was nervous, then there were those that had an energy shot before class started. Then there were those like me that sat there, and breathed.

It went around in the circle and when it got to my turn I said, "Hello my name is Hinata Remi, I studied at the Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences and I wanted to continue my education here at home."

Count Bitchula looked smug as it was her turn after a few others have gone.

"My name is Ootari Yui and I have been here since high school. I am also the top student of this department." She bowed before she sat back down.

We finished going through everyone and we then had a short quiz. It was simple and everyone was finished with it in a matter of minutes. Then we had this fun little exercise game that made us more comfortable with each other. Well, it should of been but count Bitchula was sucking all of the fun out of it. Needless to say, I am happy that I am out of there.

After I was done with classes I went over to the music hall. They went over some pieces and I was told to take notes on how the symphony works together. Once that was done I helped organize all of the instruments and music sheets. By the time I was done, I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Ema.

Ema: Hey Sis, I know that you are busy but we are going to watch the cherry blossoms. If you can make it, that would be great. We will be at the park close to home. Love you.

I looked down at my outfit and see that I need to change. I am not appropriately dressed to see my brothers. Good thing I always carry a change of clothes.

Changing out of my black skirt, white polka dotted long sleeve crop top, and beige scarf into my usual jeans, tee, and cardigan. Once I am changed, I leave the building and lock it up since I am the last one there. By the time I leave the building it is getting dark and I should arrive their in a half hour. I'm good.

Using my long board and head down into the park. Weaving around people I see the family sitting off on the side. I start slowing down until I feel something collide into my side. The force is enough to knock me off my board and whack my hip on the rail before crashing into the water. 

I accidentally inhale a bunch of water, and then I feel someone pull me out of the water so fast I feel dizzy. Once out of the water, I upchuck all of the water rather violently. After a bit a place a hand on my head to stop the feeling. Slowly I feel better and I lift up my shirt to see a nasty bruise.

Once getting my senses back, I hear people calling my name. Looking up I see that I am Natsume's arm. I pry myself away from his arms and stand on my own. Looking down, I see that my outfit is clinging to me. Since my birthday about 6 months ago my boobs have been growing. Now they are really prominent and they show that I am cold. I walk over to the rail, I see hands reaching for me but I ignore them and hop over myself.

Bad idea, once I land I steady on my feet but my hip. I yelped and fell down, pulling up my shirt I look at it more properly. Gross. Looking up I see Masaomi, I move my hand and he checks the bruise. I shiver slightly because of his warm fingers on my cold skin.

"Are you alright Remi?" Azusa asked. I nod my head.

Remembering my board, I look around for it. Swiveling my head around, I can't find my board. Slowly I take off my bag and I see a hand outstretched towards me. I take the hand and they slowly lift me up. Looking up to the owner of the hand, I see it's Natsume.

"I'm so sorry Remi. Are you alright?" He asked worried.

I shake my head and wave him off. I give a thumbs up and slightly shiver.

"Good news, you weren't severely injured but that hip will be bruised for a while." I wave it off and open my bag.

Everything in my bag is still dry, luckily. I reach in and take out my large hoodie that I keep in there. My bag may be a bottomless pit. 

"Do you need help Rei?" Ema asked, I nod my head and place her in front of me.

Putting the hoodie on, I start taking off my shirt, camisole, and bra. One by one, I put each item by my bag. The boys were confused but by the time I took off my bra and put it in my bag, I heard coughing. After that was done, I took out my skirt and started taking off my pants. To say the least I ignored the boys as Ema still stood in front of me.Once the pants was off, I slipped on my skirt and slid off my wet bike shorts.

When everything was off, I knelt down and took out a random plastic bag I had and placed my wet clothes in there. Once everything was put away, I closed and put my bag back on. Standing straight, I fix my hair and grateful that I left my phone and headphones in my bag when I left.

Looking at the guys, I see that they are red as a tomato with Tsubaki who has a nosebleed. Masaomi is walking back with Wataru and Masa-nii has a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks. Wataru has my board.

"Look what I found Rei-neechan, It's your board." Wataru said holding my board in front of him.

I smile at the young boy and grab my board. Patting his head, I peck his cheek and stand straight. Ema is a bit red and we stay like that for a bit before, I walk towards the little picnic area with Wataru. Sitting down on my knees, I tuck my skirt under me and eat some of the food while packing everything up.

I am out of it this evening. Probably because I haven't eaten anything today, that could be why. Then again, I have had this migraine for a while now.

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