What are you doing to me?

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(Leah point of view)

When I woke up in the morning i was tucked in bed and noticed i was in my snow white pjs. Moving the covers off I got dressed in a purple dress with white collar. 

All my coloring books were cleaned up off the floor and piled on the table

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All my coloring books were cleaned up off the floor and piled on the table. Oh yeah Aaron came here last night and oh no he saw me in little space. Panic went throughout my body because he will think i am a freak and probably won't ever talk to me again. When I opened my front door to go to the book store the person who I was dreading to see was standing at my front door. 

"Hey princess."

My whole face became red and I looked toward the ground. 

"H-hey A-arron."

He smiled more and took a step toward me and kissed my cheek. 

"You don't have to be shy. I know you're a little because i'm a daddy."

My jaw dropped and he nodded and chuckled to himself. I guess that makes sense considering how dominant he is with me and he gives off that type of vibe. 

"I was just gonna go out and wanted to know if you wanted to come along."

I have a feeling that I could trust him and since he saw me in my most vulnerable state I guess I really can trust him. 

"I'll go let me just lock up."

I closed the door behind me and followed Aaron toward his car but he walked past it and giggled at my confused expression. 

"We are walking little miss."

I walked faster to catch up with him. Damn his long legs. When we were walking I noticed Aaron walk in a store. As I walked in I noticed it was a baby store. I pulled on his sleeve hard but he clearly ignored it and smirked. What dose he think he is doing. 

"Princess relax getting clothes for my niece. Unless you wanna be my little?"

He raised his eyebrow and looked down at me and smiled. It wouldn't be such a bad idea I mean he seems like he would be a very loving and protective daddy. Also he could be very dominant....wait no Leah you just met him give it a bit more time. I hear Aaron laugh at me thinking over it. 

"Take your time thinking about it I'm going to go pay for these."

I walked behind Aaron to the register and noticed the cashier looking at me and Aaron back and forth.

"So you have a little one?"

The lady looked up at Aaron who looked toward me and bit his lip.

"Something like that."

My whole face turned bright red and I hit his arm hard but it looked like it didn't effect him in the slightest. When we walked out of the store I tugged on Aaron hand. 

"Yes kitten?"

"You have a niece?"

He nodded and pulled on his shirt looking down toward me.

"My older sister  Susan is married and has a two year old named Mary." 

I wonder who is more like his sister Liam or Aaron. As I'm lost in thought I feel someone pull me back hard and I land against Aaron chest. 

"Be more careful! You almost walked into the street and got hit by a car!"

He didn't yell the words but the way he said them made me slightly slip into little space. After that Aaron wouldn't let go of my hand the rest of the time we were out shopping. I still wonder if I should let Aaron become my daddy or give it a bit of more time. But i will give it more thought so I can see what he is like. 

"Hey Leah!"

I see my best friend run down the sidewalk and pick me up and spin me around. 

"Hey Riley!"

I've know him since we were kids we basically are like family to each other.  I hear Aaron clear his throat behind me and notice that Riley looks Aaron up and down. His older brother like side is showing. 

"Leah who is this?"

"This is my neighbor Aaron he just moved in."

Riley nods and still won't take his eyes off of Aaron. 

"Wellll lets get going Aaron. I will text you later Riley."

I grabbed Aaron hand and quickly dragged him away before things became more awkward because I know I will be up all night texting Riley about him. 

"Little one who was that?"

"My best friend since I was a kid he is like a brother to me."

Aaron squinted his eyes and leans toward me.

"Better be just a friend."

I roll my eyes and walk infront of him and feel a light smack on my butt and look back toward Aaron who just smiles proudly. Is it bad I want him to do it again? Oh my god Leah stop these filthy thoughts. We got back tot he apartment and Aaron let me over his so he could put his bag away. Liam was writing in a notebook and looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Leah. Where is Aaron?"

"He went to put his bags somewhere."

He nodded and focused back on his notebook.  Aaron came back and pulled Liam beanie down over his eyes and laughed at Liam searching for him. He is such a jerk but it is actually funny. Aaron goes to the bathroom and I look around their apartment. When I walked into Aaron room I saw one of his sweatshirts and put it on giggling to myself. I also  noticed he had papers all over his desk and a couple pictures on the wall. One looked like a drawing and the closer I looked at it I noticed that it was from me. As I was about to leave a figure blocks my way and it is  a shy smiling Aaron.

"You put that in my pocket last night."

He played with the buttons on his shirt looking down but I noticed he was slightly blushing. So he dose have a shy side to himself. 

"Aaron are you blushing?"


I walked up closer to him and smirked seeing his face. Aaron but his lip and leaned toward me and kissed me. It started out soft but got slowly more intense. When we pulled back I was pressed against him. Aaron what are you doing to me?

 Aaron what are you doing to me?

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