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(Aaron point of view)

My eyes widen as soon as I saw my sister holding my niece on the screen. I ended the call and glared at my little princess.  She ran away and hid in Liam room. 

"Princess by the time I find you you're going to be in more trouble than you already are.

I didn't hear her move at all.




She slowly peeked her head out of Liam doorway and looked at me. I motioned for her to come to me and she slowly moved until she was in front of me.

"Baby why did you answer the call?"

She pulled at the bottom of her shirt nervously and but her lip.

"It was makin noise."

I picked her up and put her in the corner of the living room.

"Stay here for five minutes and next time get daddy when skype rings."

She pouted and whined in the corner and it was only five seconds. When Liam heard her he looked at me and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and pulled him into the kitchen explaining what happened.  (Liam talking, Aaron talking)

"Aaron you have to tell her."

"Li you don't understand Susan dosn't agree with this."

I motioned between Leah and me. 

"I understand but Mary is gonna be three soon so we are going to have to go home to visit them."

I pulled at my hair and looked at the timer and picked Leah up hugging her tight. She snuggled into my neck and giggled.

"Princess I gotta ask you something."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you want to come with me and Liam to Chicago to visit our sister?"

She started bouncing in my arms and nodded.

"Okay go pack a bag and I will call her."

Liam went with her to go get her stuff and I pulled out my phone to call Susan.  My sister knows I'm into ddlg but she disagrees with it. Whenever we talk we argue and it never ends well. But maybe this time it'll be different. She finally answered her phone. 

"Hey Susan."


I shrunk back when she screamed into the phone. 


"Why did you hangup on me earlier?"

I pulled at my hair and sighed.

"I panicked but I have to ask something."

"Go onnn."

I rolled my eyes and was really tempted to hangup on her.

"Can Liam and me come visit for Mary's birthday?"

"Yes and you better come unlike last time where you didnit come last minute and Liam only came."

"I will I promise."

We discussed the time when to come and hung up. It's been awhile since Liam and Leah have been in her apartment. When I went over I heard Liam trying to tell her she can't pack all her stuffies in her bag. 

"Leah they won't fit!"

 "You are a butt Liammmm!"

I laughed and they both turned and looked at me.

"Aaron please tell her they won't fit"

"Daddy please tell him he is a butt."

I giggled more and picked my princess up.

"Both of you stop."

"She started it!"

"He started it daddy!"

I shook my head and packed Leah bag. She really did try to pack all her stuffies in her bag. Liam was helping me and grabbed her tooth brush and hairbrush. I grabbed Leah and told her everything. She seemed excited about it. 

"We are going tonight so lets go get dinner ok?"

She nodded and Liam hugged me tight because he loves food. We ordered pizza and i had to help Leah cut it up for her to eat while Liam ate three slices. I swear he can eat as ,uch as he wants and it goes nowhere. By the time we were done eating it was tmie to go and I drove us to the airport. I held Leah hand tight and Liam patted my back reassuringly. Well here goes nothing.   

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