Good girl

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(Leah point of view)

My head felt like it was spinning from the kiss Aaron just gave me. I bit my lip and looked toward my feet shifting from one foot to the other. He makes me feel so nervous but not a bad kind a good kind. Aaron softly brushed one strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my cheek. The tension filled the whole room.

"I should get going."

As i was leaving Aaron's room he puled me back and kissed me again. He chuckled against my lips and gave me his number than I left. When I walked inside my apartment my phone buzzed and I thought it would be Aaron but it was Riley. 


 "So are you going to explain more who that guy was with you?!"


"He is just a friend.... "

(Message sent )


"Mhmmm sure."


 "Relax DAAAAD!"

(message sent)

I threw my phone on the couch and buried my face in the pillow. Riley can be such a butthead sometimes. My phone buzzed more but wouldn't stop which meant that someone was calling. I sighed loudly and answered it.

"What Riley?!"

"Excuse me?!"

I gulped and realized the mistake of yelling on the phone to not Riley but Aaron.

"Heyyyy Aaron."

I heard him slightly growl over the phone. 

"I thought you were"


He finished my sentence for me. Even though Aaron isn't my daddy I have this feeling for him I can't describe.  My heart is racing because of the tension I can feel over the phone. It feels like the same when we were in his room but different at the same time.

"We'll talk about this more in the morning. For now goodnight and sweet dreams."

He hung up leaving me in my thoughts of what was going to happen. I changed into my pjs and laid down on the couch watching tv. My eyes were slowly getting heavier by the minute and I fell asleep dreaming about Aaron. 

(dream is in italics)

I was in my underwear and Aaron pinned me against the wall kissing me. He bit my lip and held my hands above my head causing me not to move. He moved down and left hickeys from my neck to my collarbone. He smirked against my neck but I didn't want him to stop. My whole body felt hot with each touch of his lips. I felt Aaron hand move from my ass to the waistband of my panties teasingly. 

"Who am I babygirl?"

I woke up breathing heavy and a blushing mess. Oh my god why did I have that dream?! The clock said nine thirty so before I could think about the dream more I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. My radio was blasting music for me to cook to. Since it was so loud I didn't hear the knock on my door. The second knock shook my whole apartment making me yelp. I timidly walked toward the door and opened it to see a grumpy sleepy looking Aaron with bedhead. 

"Good morning Aaron."

"Could you please turn your music down?"

He looked so sleep deprived and was about to fall asleep against the door way. I quickly went into the kitchen and turned the music down . Aaron was standing in my kitchen looking at the food I was making. 

"Do you want some dadd..I mean Aaron."

He nodded and rubbed at his eyes luckily not hearing me. I grabbed another plate and set it down on the counter. The food was finished and I took the plate to Aaron but he was asleep on the couch.  Wow I wonder how long he stayed up. I put his plate of food on the coffee table and gently rubbed his arm trying to wake him up.

"Aaron wake up."

He groaned but stayed sleeping. Aaron looks like a heavy sleeper. I lightly shook his shoulder trying to wake him up again but still nothing. Shrugging my shoulders I went to get my food but I heard Aaron mumble in his sleep.

"Mmm Leah."

My feet moved so quickly back toward him that I almost tripped. Aaron face was blushing and his eyebrows were scrunched up but not in a bad way. I leaned toward him closer. Is he having a dream like I was? Judging by how he was I could assume he was having a dirty dream. Before I could moved away from his face Aaron opened his eyes and smirked at me.

"Hey cutie."

I jumped back slightly and blushed so much. I wasn't having his dream shouldn't he be blushing? As I was looking at him I noticed that he had a problem.....

"Ummm Aaron."

I pointed toward his boxers and when he noticed he muttered fuck and grabbed a pillow covering himself.  I giggled and wanted to mess with him. I can be a brat and he was so cute when he was embarrassed. 

"What was your dream about?"

"N-nothing princess."

I sat on the pillow that was covering his lap and slightly bounced causing him to bite his lip. 


He shook his head making me pout.

"Princess you couldn't handle my dream."

I pouted more and he giggled kissing my cheek.

"I don't want to tell you yet okay. When you want me as your daddy I'll tell you everything."


I stood up and went to eat my food. What Aaron said had me thinking. Even though I haven't know him for long I just have this feeling for him. It's hard to explain but I want him. I keep second guessing myself though because of past daddy's I've had. Maybe Aaron is different but maybe not. Should I go for it? Without noticing I somehow was standing in front of Aaron whole looked up at me and had crumbs on his face. 

"Aaron will you be my daddy?"

I was pulling at the bottom of my sleeves nervous for his answer. He cleaned his face and stood up picking me up. 

"Yes princess I will."

I buried my face in the crook of his neck and felt him squeeze me tightly. I feel so safe like this. Aaron kissed the top of my head and tip of my nose. He was so happy I could see it in his eyes. I'm happy I finally decided for him to be my daddy. I nuzzled against him more and we just snuggled on my couch until we both he had to leave for work.

"Dadddy don't go."

"I have to go to work princess."

He kissed my cheek and walked out my door but before I closed it he said something that made me blush.

"Be a good girl."

Daddy's Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now