Chapter 1: First of What's to Come

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Mayet is the owner.


Warnings: mentions of abuse and rape(nothing explicit, though)


The first time it happaned, he found her on the streets.

He wouldn't even have noticed her, if it hadn't been for the strong scent of salty tears mixing with the sweet fragrance that was her shampoo. He had just gotten back from a long-term mission and was headed home, when her presence struck him. He would never have guessed, that she would be out at this hour. It was already past midnight, after all. Good girls were in their beds by now.

Immediately he knew, something was wrong.

Turning around a corner into a dark alleyway, he found her. She was sitting between two packed garbage cans, her knees bent and her arms thrown around them, her rosette hair hiding her face from the world, silently crying into the night. What was more, she was injured everywhere. Bloody scrapes and bluish bruises covered her body and by the rattling breaths she took, he was sure, she had a few broken rips as well.

The sight made his heart clench.

What could've happened to his only female student? The first thing, that came to his mind was rape, but her clothes seemed intact, if a little dirty. His eyes roamed her battered body again for cues and another thought occurred to him: Maybe she had been involved in a gang fight? It was rare, but not unheard of in Konoha and the numbers of gangs around was increasing, or so he had been told. Maybe she had gotten into somekind of argument with the wrong people and...

But with a shake of his head, he dismissed that thought, too.

Sakura was the Hokage's apprentice and her super-human strength would've sent any and all civilian gang members flying- and this gang problem was a civilian one! For another moment, he tried to figure out, what had happened, but soon figured it would be better to ask her himself- not to mention, that she needed medical care right away! Stepping infront of her lost form, he crouched down to be eye-level with her.

"Sakura?" he inquired.

The girl flinched violently at the sound of his voice.

", please, don't... stop, please don't hurt me anymore...please..." the young medic cried, eyes tightly shut, as she tried to crawl away from him, only to hit her back against the wall in her frantic search for escape.

"Sakura... Sakura!" He tried again, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her lightly. "It's me, Kakashi."

"Sensei?" her trembling voice answered him, uncertain. She cracked an eye open, as if she couldn't believe his voice, then the other, when she recognized him. He smiled gently at her, giving her the eye-crease, she knew so well, to assure her that everything would be fine, that she was safe now. He wasn't, however, prepared for her reaction. Finally letting go, breaking down into sobs, she threw her arms around his neck and cried into his chest. Taken aback for a moment, he quickly started rubbing her back comfortingly until her sobs had died down. He then picked her up.

"I'll take you home now, okay?"

He could immediately feel her tense in his arms, her fingers digging into his back, and saw the frightened widening of her eyes. Would she have been someone else, he would have probably guessed, that she didn't want her parents to see her like this, but truth be told, the only parent, she actually cared for had died a year ago of a heart attack. The pink-haired chunin was living with her father now, who had been called back from his residence in Moon Country to take care of his still under-age daughter until she became twenty (1).

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