Chapter 17: An Eventful Day

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Sakura woke up to a fluttery feeling in her middle section. Furrowing, she wondered what it could be that was making her feel this way. Were it the butterflies in her stomach? Were they on a rampage? She almost giggled at the silly thought, or was it because of the feeling? She couldn't deny that she'd felt different ever since this 'thing' between her and Kakashi started. She reckognized that she wanted him, desired him whenever he was showering her with kisses, or gently massaging her feets like that evening on the ship. She knew, though that that wasn't everything there was to the emotions that filled her heart with the well-known soft glow when her silver-haired team leader was near her, and even when he was not.

One gaze.

One wink.

One smile.

That was all her heart needed to miss a beat, to make her breath hitch, and have her forget her own name.

She hadn't needed to wonder what that meant for long. She had already known a similar feeling, when she had her first crush. Sasuke. When she had thought about the boy of her dreams, her pulse had rushed, but that was nothing compared to what happened to her when she thought of Kakashi. The mere thought of him made her blush all over, leaving her with a yearning for his closeness, his voice saying something, anything- even if it was something perverted.

He may be a pervert, but he was her pervert.

And she loved him for it.

'When did this happen?' she wondered.

'I'd say about two years ago, shortly before you ran!' her Inner replied.

'How long do you intend on blaming me for that?'

'For the rest of your life, someone has to beat a little reason into your head, after all. This could've ended way sooner. You could've enjoyed Kakashi's closeness way sooner, and for that, I'll never forgive you.'

'Jeez, thanks.'

'You're welcome.'

'Oh, shut up!'

'Let me think about that... No!'

'Ugh! Why can't you leave me alone?!'

'Because you could be having the time of your life, and are actually sleeping through it! That's why!'


Waking up with a start, she couldn't even catch a breath, before she fell into a fit of helpless giggles. Looking down her body, she found that the fluttery feeling at her middle section had been Kakashi tickling her stomach with butterfly kisses. He was currently attending to her belly button, while his hands were holding onto her hips. His messy silver hair was obscuring the view on most of his face. However, and Sakura could've jumped up to perform a victory dance for this, she could make out apart of a pale cheek and his strong jawline. She narrowed her eyes, trying to see more clearly, and suddenly found something rosy between Kakashi and her. Jumping out of her skin when there was a moist feeling on her skin, she realized that he had replaced the soft kisses with not so innocent caresses of his tongue.

"Kakashi!" she shrieked.

"Ah, Sakura-chan," he breathed against her wet skin, and she shivered. "Took you long enough. I was beginning to fear, you'd be in coma, since you weren't responding at first."

"Ha, ha, very funny Hatake-san." She smiled sweetly.


"Serves you right. Hmpf!", she grunted, moving her her head to the side, and crossing her arms over her chest with a defiant expression. The silver-haired man chuckled, taking one of her wrist in his hand, and moving it towards him until he could kiss the palm of her hand. Sakura's eyes immediately snapped to attention. She could see the straight bridge of his nose, and then...her hand.

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