Chapter 19: No more running and hiding

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"Do you really believe that something is going on? Between those two, I mean?" Naruto asked the others over the dinner table. Sakura was currently being entertained by Hikaru-kun's stories about his adventures with Kiki, and Kakashi...

Well, Kakashi was late as usual.

"Naruto, first she was found in bed with him in Suna-"

"She had nightmares, and they were fully clothed," the wnna-be Hokage piped in.

Sasuke ignored the comment, and continued.

"Then she was wearing Kakashi's shirt-"

"It was cold that night!" the blonde reminded.

Sasuke ignored him again.

"And now they were gone for almost two days, alone, not to mention that thing on the ledge-"

"Probably just Sensei being late again, you said so yourself. And he was just telling her a dirty joke. He does that with us all the time."

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched.

"It still is suspicious, dickless. Besides, who tells us that Sakura was telling the truth on that ledge. If they're in this together..."

"But-" This time, Naruto was interrupted by his best friend.

"Not to mention that we don't know- and probably never will know- what happened during that hiking trip."

"Then why are we letting them sleep in the same room?" the blonde asked.

"Because it's best for Sakura," Yamato told them. "Now, back to business. Have your ink-animals found anything suspicious, Sai?"

"No, nothing."

Yamato let his gaze travel to Sasuke.

"I couldn't detect anything with my sharingan either."


"I've probably searched the whole island with Hikaru- don't look at me like that, he insisted to come- but nothing. Not even a shadow of Sakura's dad."

"The guards haven't reported anything either," Yamato said, concerned.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Naruto asked. "That means he isn't near, right?"

"Yes," the bornw-haired man answered, not convinced. "Or-"

"Or he's already here," Sai finished for him.

"That's what I fear. Keep your eyes open, and Sai... search the castle with your ink-animals, just to be sure," Yamato ordered the pale boy, who was about to reply, but was interrupted by Sakura's cheery voice.

"Aren't you hungry, guys?" she asked, walking over to them, and putting a hand on their foreheads to feel their temperature. "Hmm, seems to be normal...So, why aren't you eating? You have to eat proper meals, or you'll get sick. I know, Kakashi-sensei isn't here yet, but we can't wait for him all night, ne? So, let's dig in! "

Her smiled genuinely. She was always so concerned about them, instead of worrying for herself that she switched into medic-mode whenever she found something to be off. So, in order to keep her from worrying to much about them, they chirped "Itadakimasu!", and enjoyed the exquisite meal with her. Kakashi would 'poof' into the room sooner or later, no doubt. Then they would wait for him to finish his meal, and wish each other goodnight, before parting ways. Kakashi, and Yamato would stay a little longer, so that the wood-user could report back to his sempai without worrying that Sakura might hear him, and then the Copy Nin would go join his pink-haired cherry blossom for a night of a few- okay, a lot- of sweet kisses, and nightmare-less sleep.

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