Chapter 25: A Pleasant Evening

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She was clinging to his body like there was no tomorrow. Her arms tightly around his back, nails digging into his shoulder blades through his jacket, and shirt, one leg up and wrapped around his waist, showing off the smooth skin of her thigh. Her head could not be seen by the surrounding people as she had burried it in his chest, inhaling deeply the musky scent that was so undenieably Kakashi.

Sakura was so happy.

The hand that had been holding her by the small of her back now wandered down to her thigh as the silver-haired male straightened his position. Pulling her close, he swayed her gently to the music that had started to play without anyone noticing. His other hand went to cup her cheek, brushing away all tears. Because he couldn't stand to see her cry, not even out of happiness.

Not when such joy filled his heart.

She laughed, and raised her arms to go around his neck, gently playing with the soft silvery locks there. She could feel everyone's eyes on them, could see the smiles of her friends, as well as the scornful looks of the Council, could hear the whispered comments that ranged from "Aww! How cute!" to "Craddle-robber", or "Little Slut!". But she couldn't find herself caring anymore. Those very comments had eaten away at her heart the last week, making her worry over how he would react to them, concerned that he might leave her (which he had tried), but now, with him so close to her, it just all seemed so insignificant! Those people weren't important. Their opinions didn't matter.

Because love conquered all!

They would understand, one day. Of this, Sakura was sure. And even if they didn't, it would never matter, because he was there, and he loved her back! Locking her gaze with his, she could see it right there in that smile underneath his mask, and in his eyes. Both uncovered. Both watching her with such intesity. Such love. And care. Adoration. Devotion. It was all right there infront of her eyes, so very real, she thought she could grasp at it, yet it would never fit into her hand.


"Double Dynamic Entry? With Gai?" Sakura giggled. "What devil possessed you to humiliate yourself like that, Kakashi?"

He chuckled, and by their closeness it vibrated through her body.

"You better be grateful. Tsunade actually wanted to put me into a green spandex for her own amusement," Kakashi said, and felt her shudder.

An expression of pure horror crossed her face.

"How did you stop her from forcing you?"

A much darker chuckle sent shivers down her spine.

"I asked her, if she really could affort you to see your lover in such clothing."

Sakura blushed deep crimson. Her lover, he had said. They hadn't done anything as of now, yet it felt oddly right for him to call himself that. Her lover. A heat rose in her chest the more she thought about it. Her lover. The term seemed to suit him.

Her lover.

He was hers.

A small smile spread on her features.

"Mind out of the gutter, Sakura-chan." Kakashi laughed lightly as he continued to sway her to the beat, dipping her a little now and again.

Huffing, she slapped his arm.

"Say, Sakura-chan..."

He laughed again, and twirled her once, before guiding her back into his arms.

"I haven't given you your birthday kiss yet, have I?" the Copy Nin asked rather innocently.

Her blush intensified, but she shook her head 'no', anticipation filling her being down to the very core. The butterflies that resided in her stomach, and went on a rampage everytime he was near, let her know then and there that they were still there, making her insides clench pleasantly. She could only imagine the mischievious grin plastered upon his face, seeing as the mask obscurred her vision. She could, however, see his eye close in their usual crinkle, before he winked at her once.

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