Chapter 28: Out and About

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hello! i'm so sorry i haven't updated this story from mayet. i've been on lots of travels!

"Does that mean I have to take protection with me at any given time?" he teased.

The rosy blush staining her cheeks intensified. Almost laughing out loud- almost, because the Copy Nin does not normally laugh- he watched as his little Cherry Blossom started fideting with her fingers in a very Hinata-like way. A firm grip on her upper arm, he led her through the crowds down the street, since she was suddenly studying the dirty ground as if it were the most interesting thing. He let his thumb on her arm run a few lazy circles over her skin, and noticed how she bit her lip. How she would look at anything except for him. A smirk made itself known on his features. A smirk of pure male satisfaction at havin such an effect on his pink-haired medic.

"Do...Don't worry, I g-got it cov-covered," he heard her mumble.

Surprise settled in immediately. He had expected her to slap his arm, and call him a pervert. This reaction was completely uncharacteristic for Sakura. Then again, she had been exposed to his company and his teasing for qite a while, so maybe it was to be expected that she got better at handling it. He thought it to be quite intresting. She was cute when she was all flustered, and now she was most definitely flustered. He found he was curious as to how far he could take this little game.

His smirk grew.

"So you plan to jump me as soon as we reach your apartment, then?"

Sakura paled.

"No!" she screeched. "I didn't mean it like that. I just- I meant- It was- I..."

Even though he missed her blush, her stuttering more than made up for it. Apparently, she wasn't able to string a sentence together when put under the pressure of sexual implications. He couldn't help the mirth filling his gaze as he watched her fight with her tongue to get the right words out. She was positively rambling, and he liked every damn minute of it. He was almost sorry when she finally explained that she meant that she had been taking birth control ever since she became chunin.

"So you see... Ah, we are there!" the pink-haired woman suddenly announced, breathing a sigh of relief.

Looking up, he saw that, yes, they had reached her apartment building. When he felt her pull on his arm, he realized that he had been standing still. Sakura dragged him inside, and seate him on the couch, but instead of joining him today, she walked over into the kitchen. She had said she would cook them a home-made meal to celebrate. Kakashi smiled. He had offered to invite her to dinner, promising at her suspicious gaze that he would pay, but she had insisted that with all the things he had done for her, it was about time she gave him something in return. She had also said that she had wanted to cook for him for some time now. Kakashi didn't know wether to excited or frightened.

As a genin, her cooking skills had been horrible...

The silver-haired man lifted his gaze to watch her as she set to work, her lithe form moving around the kitchen. Stretching to reach the higher-up cupboards, and bending over the counter once in a while. And as much as he tried, he couldn't help but let his gaze wander over her firm rear once in a while. Or her long legs that were practically left bare by her outfit. Over the small of her back.

Sighing, he stood up...


(Earlier that day)

The room, no, the entire building was full of people. It seemed as if the whole village had dropped everything they had currently been doing to witness this. The seats behind and above them were all occupied by friends and colleagues and civilians. Many stood in the middlecourse. People were even standing in the hallways, jumping up and down to get a glimpse of what was going on inside. Infront of them were the Hokage and the Elders, grim looks on their faces.

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