Chapter 27: Second First Date

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"You do realize this is all just a plot by the Elders?" Kakashi asked as they walked down the street.

"You mean us being allowed to see each other?" Sakura queried, raising an eyebrow.


"Of course. I mean, it was kinda obvious." She grinned up at him. "Them being completely against us having even the slightest contact with each other, and then suddenly agreeing that we could spent time together freely?! I mean, come on, that has written 'Secret Plot' all over it."

A giggle escaped her.

"But I can't say I mind," the pink-haired medic admitted, grinning like an idiot.

Kakashi chuckled.

"Me neither."

Setting another one of her happy giggles he loved so much free, she hooked an arm around his own, and pressed herself into his side. His hands that were in his pockets clenched into fists as he fought the urge to just grab her, and envelop her small frame in a one of his few bear-hugs. Sighing, however, he didn't. They were already getting enough unwanted attention by just showing up somewhere together. They really didn't need any more whispers of it, because of some innocent display of affection that would be interpreted the wrong way. Whatever kept the Elders from just saying 'no', they couldn't risk giving them a reason. So, instead of gathering his beloved in his arms, or crush his lips- covered or not- to hers, Kakashi just remained passive as he enjoyed her closeness.

"How about we go back to that tea house?" Sakura piped up. "We never got to finish our first real date, did we?"

The silver-haired jounin looked at her, stunned by her suggestion. Not that he would mind, quite the contrary, actually. He had played with the thought of repeating their first date as well, but he had never dared to bring it up, because he feared the thought of returning to that place would scare her. He had just always imagined that he would just take her for some tea and dango somewhere else to avoid reminding her of her bad experieces at that particular tea house, but she obviously didn't hold any 'grudges' against that place. Apparently concerned, because he didn't answer, she looked up to him with her jade eyes, searching his face for any signs of disapproval.

Kakashi cleared his throat.

"Are you... uh, I mean, are you sure?" he wanted to know from her.

Sakura's brows furrowed.

'Why would he ask that? I loved that place, and I loved being there with him. Why would I not want to go there to... Hey, Inner Me, do you think he's concerned about what happened last time?'

'It's the most likely scenario. After all, last time really didn't go all that well,' Inner Sakura replied thoughtfully.

'But I haven't had a fit in two weeks.'

'So what? It's not like that means anything. Just because you don't have them every day, doesn't mean you don't have them at all anymore,' her Inner warned. 'And let's not forget that you actually did have one there, so of course he's concerned.'

'Oh, isn't that just sweet?'

'Well, of course. He's been nothing but sweet this entire time.'

'True. I still can't believe this is happening!' Sakura thought delightedly.

'I can believe that just fine. Then again, I've always been the smarter one...' Inner Sakura snickered.

'You're me, so you are as smart as I am. If anything I'm the smarter one, because I actually live the experieces.'

'That may be true, but aren't you forgetting something?'

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