Chapter 4: Genjutsu

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They traveled in silence for the most part, both of them absorbed into their own thoughts. Sakura was contemplating, if it had been a wise idea to tell the Copy Nin in the first place, because what did reach her from him, set her off. He had gone mute, it seemed. Not, that Hatake Kakashi had ever been very talkative, but the silence, that had fallen between them, had nothing to do with that. The silver-haired elite was holding up his little, orange book like all the other times, but he wasn't reading it, Sakura was sure. If he were, she would hear some of his creepy giggles once in a while- he would do that just to annoy her!

But all that reached Sakura was silence.

Silence and a massive amount of killing intent...

The pink-haired medic wasn't sure, what to make of that. It was definitely not directed at her in any way and had her father as goal instead, but Sakura just couldn't decide, what to think about this. Sure, her father was a bastard. No arguing in that point. And Sakura didn't ever want to see him again, but he was still her father. If she decided to tell Tsunade, what had transpired under the blonde woman's nose, her father would be tried for rape. He would be sentenced to death!

And Sakura wasn't sure, if she wanted that!

Not because, he didn't deserve it. He did. But wouldn't it mean, she would be just as bad as him?! She would put harm to her own family and be responsible for her father's death. Wouldn't that make her even worse of a human being? Not to mention, that her sensei and her shishou- for once of the same opinion- would probably find a way to make sure, her father died in agony. So she would be responsible for the pain as well.

Could she really do that?

Another glance at Kakashi confirmed her suspicion, that he had been fakinf to read for her sake, so that their mission seemed somewhat normal. He had put down his book and was watching the back-side of his eyelids, his only uncovered eye closed as if he had just made a diffucult decision, and his coscience was plaguing him. Or rather, whatever was left of it after over two decades of faithful, but bloody service as a shinobi...

"It's getting late, we'll make camp here."

Sakura nodded and plopped down onto the ground, shrugging her backpack off her shoulders and taking the tent out. Gazing back at her sensei, she noticed, that he wasn't doing the same. Instead, he put traps and alarms systems into place, so no one would be able to approach them without being noticed at once. The girl's brows furrowed (sp?) in confusion for a moment, she was sure, he did have a tent in his pack, he always had.

He was Kakashi.

She was just opening her mouth to say something, when it struck her. This was another thing, he did for her sake. When it happened before, she had always curled up against him in his bed and been gone the next morning. She was sure, he had been awake every time, but he hadn't said anything and let her make the decision. That was, what he was doing now, too. They had normally only passed one night snuggled together under the blankets, but then again, something like this never happened before. So, he was allowing her to decide, if she needed him close enough to feel his warmth and the safety he provided. Sakura closed her mouth, biting on her lower lip.

It was thoughtful, to say the least.

'He's being so considerate.' She thought.

"Sakura?" his voice floated over to her.

The girl nodded.

"I'll set the tent, you go and get us some water. There's a river near by." He infrormed her gently.

The pink-haired jounin nodded again, taking the bottle he held out for her and standing, but his voice stopped her again. Kakashi was standing now as well. He held something else out for her, a little object, similar to a gun. Sakura's eyes widened a fraction as she saw the injection pistol. Snapping her emerald orbs up to her silver-haired sensei's face, she took in the uncertain look there.

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