Chapter 24: The Birthday

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Five hours.

In five hours was her Birthday Party, and he wouldn't be there. Hell, he wouldn't even get close! The Hokage, and the Council had him locked up in his apartment with two ANBU infront of his door, who were under strict orders to kill first, and ask questions later, if he so much as put a toe out of his apartment. So for another three and a half days he'd been sitting on his living room couch, standing up only to eat or if he had to use the bathroom. At the moment, the famous Copy Nin was just stepping out of his shower, heeding Sakura's advice as they had parted. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and rubbed another over his silvery locks. The friction, added to his natural electricity made his hair stand out into all directions, so that he looked like he had just put a hand into a wall socket. Sighing, Kakashi quickly put on a fresh shirt and pants, and went back to sitting on his living room couch moping.

'I already missed her Sweet Sixteen, and now I'm going to miss another one of her birthdays,' he thought, miserable.

Another sigh left his masked lips as he reached out for the table infront of him.

'I can't even have someone give her the present I got her.'

He fingered the small item.

'The Elders even forbid the ANBU who guard me to have actual contact with me. Maybe Genma would have ignored that order, but these ANBU are strictly by-the-book, and from what Tsunade told me, very Council loyal.'

He clenched his fist around his present angrily.

'What should I do?'

For once, his exceptional mind seemed to have gone on vacation when he needed it the most. Either that, or it was really impossible to somehow get past the guards, and to Sakura's birthday party. He prefered the first option! He hated the feeling of being powerless. He had to come up with something, anything to get away from the ANBU for a few minutes, or at least send the pink-haired woman her present.

'Easier said, than done.'

Sinking back into the couch, he played through the different scenarios for a minute. He could use a Kage Bunshin to confuse them, but those guys weren't ANBU for nothing. They wouldn't be fooled by that. He could fight them, he was pretty sure he could take them on. Unfortunately, he was also pretty sure that they would be able to alert the Council before he took them out, and that wouldn't really help matters at all. He could use a Bunshin to send to Sakura, but they would probably destroy it, even though it wasn't the real him. He could summon Pakkun to hand over the present, but of course the ANBU would notice, and stop him.

He could-

A soft "Meow!" suddenly interrupted his thoughts. Looking down, he saw Sakura's tiny hellcat sitting infront of his feet, looking quite offended. She stood, only to grab onto his leg tightly with her claws. The Copy Nin winced. He couldn't exactly be mad at the kitten for attacking him this time, though. He hadn't really paid attention to her this whole week that Chihiro was now living with him, because of his depressed mood, which got only worse after the hotspring- incident. Apparently, once again, he had forgotten to feed her, and now she was angry at him.

Another scratch.

"Yeah, yeah," Kakashi grunted in an irritated manner, standing up. "I'll give you your damn fo-"

He stopped dead in his tracks when an idea came to him. Looking down again, he gave the black furball a once-over. Inclining his head, he wondered if it could actually work, but really what choiuce did he have? None. It was the only way he could possibly achieve his goal.

'Let's just hope, cats really are as smart as people make them out to be,' he sighed inwardly.

The Copy Nin crouched down, and picked Chihiro up.

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