Chapter 2: What To Do

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TW!!!! this may be disturbing for readers, mentions of rape

H-he... he r..ra...p... raped...m-me, Kakashi, he..."

He closed his eyes to fight off the wave of nausea. He didn't hear her dropping the 'sensei'-part, didn't hear her continue, didn't hear her sobs and chokes. All he heard was the punding of his heart and the rush of his blood. He felt his shaking hands and how he just wanted to enclose her father's throat with them, felt the white-hot rage boiling inside him, felt the protectiveness for this woman- this girl- fuel his hatred for the offender.

And he felt the shame weighing down on his shoulders.

Why hadn't he put an end to this? Two years ago. Why hadn't he stopped this from happening? If he would've just gone to the Hokage, if he would've just been stronger, maybe... maybe she wouldn't have had to...


Her broken voice dragged him back into reality. Looking down, he found her watching him with concern in her eyes. Now, he could feel the helpless shaking and felt how helpless he was himself. Now, he felt the tears. She was crying against his chest and the tiny droplets had drenched his shirt, so he could feel them against his skin. Now, he noticed, how her hands were gripping onto him so hard, her knuckles turned white.

Kakashi took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. She needed him now, he could think about revenge later! As he breathed, the scent of blood mixed with sweat and... sex filled his nose and it was so wrong. This innocent girl shouldn't stand in his apartment, smelling like that. Hell, she shouldn't have to stand in his apartment, period. Not for the reason, she came here anyway.

The silver-headed male couldn't help, but feel for her.

He knew, she wouldn't want to be pitied. He didn't want to, either, but seeing her so broken, so small comparing to the world... he couldn't stop himself from feeling compassion and the responsibility, again. He had failed, failed to protect her like he had promised her and the whole Team Seven on their first mission outside Konoha, when they met Zabuza. He had protected them back then, with his life, and he had safed her life quite a few times since, but now... now she was within Konoha and yet she was not safe! He had failed to protect her from the worst of enemies- those who hold your trust and use it against you! He hadn't been able to safe her, but he would make damn sure, it never happened again...

"Sakura? I know, you won't like this, but we have to take this to the Hokage."


"No buts, Sakura. He can't get away with this! You can't let him get away with this! What he did to you before, was already bad enough- and you should've reported him to the authoroties a long time ago- but this, Sakura, this... is a crime, one of the worst crimes we know! This is... is...sick!"

He felt her immediately flinch as the last word left his mouth and she fell silent. For a moment he wondered, what had gotten into her, before a thought struck him. Shaking his head, he tried to dismiss it, it was ridiculous.

She wouldn't, she couldn't...

"I'm sorry." Sakura murmured, apprehension filling her voice.

She did.

"Sakura." Kakashi said firmly as he made her sit down on his couch and crouched to be eye-lever with her. "Sakura. . .Fault. Do you understand me? This is by no means your fault, do not blame yourself for what this...this pervert did!" He hesitated to say 'pedophile', a word that would probably make her feel all the more responsible. 'Pervert' wasn't exactly fitting (the whole village called him a pervert, too, after all), he thought, but it was the only word, he could think of in such a short time.

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