chapter 12

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let's pretend that they stay for a few more days, okay?


I led Daniel back behind the deli and started to tear up. "I thought...that he still liked me." I said softly.

"Hailey, maybe you should just forget about him, or at least for now. Do you want to go home? I know its just awkward to be with Zach right now. Just be bold and confident. But still, it's fine if you want to go home." He said softly holding both of my hands.

"No." I shook my head. "Whatever we start together, we finish together, right?"

"I was hoping that you'd say that. Come on, let's go back inside." He said taking my hand and smiling. He made me feel better, and I had a huge smile plastered on my face as we walked back inside. Logan grinned at me and Corbyn and Jack gave me a thumbs up. Keely winked at me and Jonah just laughed. Zach was zoned out and Daniel and I sat back down in our seats.



I couldn't stop thinking about how Daniel and Hailey could actually be a thing. I thought about it, and they were both sweet and kind. They both played guitar. Then I got a text from Kaylie.

kaylie: hi Zach!

Zach: oh hi

kaylie: want to meet up tomorrow?

Zach: sure I guess

kaylie: cool! do you want to watch a movie or something?

Zach: sure.

kaylie: cool! we'll meet up at the downtown theatre! see you there. it's fine if we watch it, right? there's one at 11:15 💜

Zach: ok idrc 

next day**

"Guys, I'm going to the theatre with Kaylie!" I yelled into the connected room where Jack and Jonah were. Daniel probably also heard me because we shared a room.

"Cool! The rest of us are going to explore downtown together anyways!" Daniel said changing.

"What? How come I didn't know of this?" I asked him a little sad.

"Maybe you could've if you haven't been thinking of your new girlfriend. You haven't even noticed how sad Hailey has been ever since the tour happened." He explained to me. I tried to protest but he interrupted me. "Well, see you later I guess. I'm going to go get Hailey, we already have breakfast and everything scheduled for the day." 

"Daniel, you ready?" Hailey asked outside in the hallway.

"Yeah! Coming!" he answered walking out the door. "Well, have fun with the bitch!"

It made me feel sad that Hailey didn't do that with me.

When I got to the theatre, I saw Kaylie and she practically jumped in my arms. She paid for the popcorn and drinks and tickets. Half way through the movie Kaylie was cuddled up against me. I didn't really know about it until when the movie finished but I couldn't stop thinking of Hailey.

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