chapter 33

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We were told hailey was in a coma.

Two months later


I woke up really confused. Why the fuck was I in a hospital bed? How the fuck did I get here?

"Quick!" Someone yelled. "She's up!"

"Can someone please tell me how I got here?" I asked trying to sit up. I groaned in pain and touched my stomach.

"Well, someone shot you with a gun." A nurse explained.

"How long was I out? A few hours?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads. "About two months. You lost a lot of blood. Go to sleep now, so you have the energy to talk to your friends when they come in." The doctor said.

"Friends?" I asked confused. "But I just came yesterday to move in with Logan."

They all just sighed and I went back to sleep.


When I woke up I saw ten people sitting around me. "Hi Logan. Hi jakey. When did you get here Keely? Same with you christina
" I asked. They all gave sad glances to each other.

"Do you remember me?" A cute guy asked skeptically. I just stared at him because he was so hot. But also he looked familiar, but I don't know why

"N-no. Why?" I asked.

"Do you remember us?" Another guy asked. He was holding hands with Keely.

"No." I said.

"Hailey, I'm your boyfriend." The cute guy said. I stared in shock.

"How the fuck did I get so lucky then?" I asked. Then a picture triggered my mind. It was a memory of us at a pool. We had a chicken fight with the other unknown boys. "'re name is Zach? Zachary?" I asked puzzled.

He began to tear up smiling and said "yes Hailey. You remember me."

I looked at the others and they were all smiling brightly. "I'm Easton, your twin." A guy said who was next to Logan. I guess he kind of did look like me.

"I'm Daniel." A guy said. His neck looked like a giraffe's and he was probably the only person who could pull off a tooth gap.

"I'm corbyn." A blonde guy said. Christina was on his lap so I suspected that they were dating.

"I'm jack." A guy said. His hair looked like ramen noodles.

"And I'm Jonah." The guy said who was holding hands with Keely.

"Nice to meet you all." I said smiling weakly.

"Okay guys, please leave now. She needs rest and she's overwhelmed right now." A nurse said from her computer.

"Love you babe." My 'boyfriend' said blowing me a kiss. I blushed madly.

But all I wish is that this was reality, not a dream.

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