chapter 59

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I woke up and stretched accidentally hitting something- no, someone in the face. "Easton you lazy ass!" I grumbled. He was still snoring. I poked him in the cheek really hard and he slowly woke up.

"What?" he moaned rubbing his eyes.

"We have to go. and how did you get in my room in the first place?" I asked

"Last night we were unpacking and you fell asleep on the couch. So being a nice big brother, I carried you all the way up to your humble room and tucked you in. I didn't really feel like sleeping in my room because we didn't get the mattress in yet, so I welcomed myself into your bed. And where are we going anyways?" 

"To get zachs last minute birthday present." I said putting on my 'Mrs. herron' shirt, Jean shorts, and black low top vans.

"Women and they're last minute things." he shook his head. He rested his eyes for a good ten minutes before I shook him awake and forced him into one of his many adidas sweatshirts and sweatpants and white vans.

"Come on, be a nice big brother and drive us to the mall please? Or at least a candy shop? Who knows, maybe you can win the best big brother if the year award or maybe get some candy?" I said winking at him.


Easton drove us to the mall and we rushed into the vans store. I bought him a pair of white vans, black checkered vans, and regular checkered vans like mine. We rushed out and went to edible arrangements to get him a bouquet of fondue fruits. We past by a jewelry store, and Easton wanted to look at the watches. There was this really pretty Rolex that was really expensive, and I didn't have enough cash to pay for it but Easton bought it saying that I had to get him a jumbo breakfast burrito.

When we were done shopping we stopped by Taco Bell to get Eastons breakfast burrito.


hailey💕: are you home ❤️

Zach: no sorry the boys wanted to get me breakfast and they said that they wanted to go shopping after. but i'll be home in about an hour 💚

hailey💕: okay then 😘 happy birthday my love!

Zach: how did i get so lucky?

Easton was being nosy and he was said "Text Jonah to see if they could have them distract Zach for a little longer, so we can decorate their house!"

"Wow, you're not so daft anymore, aren't you?" I teased him ruffling his hair.



hAiLeAf: can you distract Zach for a few more hours? we're going to decorate your house for Zach. do you have any party decorations in your house?

HOENAH: yeah, sure. and yes we do. go into Corbyns room and check his closet.

hAiLeAf: cool thanks!

HOENAH: no problem.


When we got to the boys house I heard someone squeal "Zachy is here!"

"We're not Zach." I laughed seeing a surprised Reese and Ryan.

"HAILEY!" Reese squealed jumping in my arms. "I missed you so much!"

"Aw, I missed you too." I said. When I put her down me and Ryan hugged each other and did our little handshake. 

"We wanted to decorate the house for Zach but we couldn't find any decorations. So our mom is buying decorations right now." Ryan explained.

"Oh no! She didn't need to, Corbyn has a bunch in his closet!" I said.

"Really? I thought he only had dog costumes for all of the dogs he doesn't own." Ryan said and Reese giggled.

I quickly called myta and she immediately picked up. "Thank god hailey you called. I don't know which color balloons to choose. Shout it be green and yellow or navy blue and yellow?"

"Hi mrs. Herron. You don't need to buy anything, Corbyn has all of the party supplies in his closet." I explained.

"Okay, thank you for telling me that! Thank god I just got here." she sighed. "Bye Hailey! Make sure the kids behave!" she hung up.

Us four found Corbyns room and opened his closet. Ryan wasn't wrong; a bunch of dog costumes fell out of his closest. We found some balloons and streamers. Easton lifted Reese up to the ceiling to put up party streamers while me and Ryan blew up 15 packages of red, orange yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and pink balloons.

The front door opened and Myta came in with a dozen helium balloons and she placed them neatly into corners.

I found a huge roll of paper and we all helped decorate it, and Reese wrote in big letters, Happy 17th Birthday Zach!

We got everything in place and we heard their car roll up in the driveway. we all hid behind stuff and when Zach walked in, we yelled "SURPRISE!" 

"Reese! Ryan! Mommy!" He hugged his family. When they broke apart he looked at me and I just hugged him tight, and he returned the hug.

"Um, excuse me Hailey, but did you just use 15 of my 78 different packages of coloured balloons? and my party streamers? Who told you about this?" Corbyn asked.

"Jonah gave me his blessings!" I said quickly. he just turned away pretending to be interested in the wall.


We all ate and Zach opened his gifts. When he opened mine, he gasped at the new shoes, he stored away his bouquet of fondue (Corbyn was drooling all over it), and his face was priceless when he saw the Rolex. "Damn." Jonah said breathless. the other boys were also breathless and so was Ryan.

"Hailey, you didn't have to buy him a Rolex." myta said.

"But it would look good on him. put it on Zach." I said. He carefully put it on and admired it.

"Thank you so much Hailey." he said kissing me gently.

"Anything for my boo." I said returning the kiss.

so sorry for not updating this week! i had huge writers block and i was like zachs birthday is coming up soon, why not publish another chapter then?

anyways i hope you have a wonderful birthday Zach even though you probably won't see this!

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