chapter 89

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we went back to mine and eastons place after the thot situation (did i give her a name yet?) and the ride home was drop dead silent.

"so, um guys..." jonah trailed off.

"i'm pregnant." keely said.


"jack guessed it. we're having twins." Jonah said with a wide grin.

"we just found out yesterday." keely added.

me zach and daniel exchanged knowing looks. "wouldn't be surprised." daniel smirked.

"keely do you know what gender?" i asked excited.

"no, but we want to be surprised." she said. out of the blue i hugged her and jonah straining my seatbelt because i wear one. hey you really thought i'd break the law! smh.

"hailey please. let go." jonah strained to say.

"oh, sorry." i said letting go of both of them.

"hailey how come they get a hug but i don't?" Zach pouted at me. i giggled.

"i was planning on giving you a kiss, but i guess a hug will do." i giggled hugging him.

"wait...i want that kiss!" he pouted once again.

"but i already gave you a hug." i said.

"but still..."

"hailey give him an onion ring." valia said passing one over to me. we both laughed and jachary gave us a weird look.

"zachary dean herron. i present you and onion ring." i giggled holding it out in front of me. he leaned out and ate it out of my hand and we all laughed.

"hey corbyn still owes us a watermelon!" daniel piped up.

"yeah..." we all said at the same time.

"ooh. i got an idea." keely said her eyes lighting up.

HUISJHEOANSJEK IM SO SORRY I WASNT UPDATING I WAS ON VACATION. so anyways won't be updating as frequently now cause schools starting soon. and also i got registration tmmr for myself and i gotta be there at 6:30 and on Wednesday for ASB from 6:15-9:45 and also orientation for the new kids from 12-6 ughhhhhh

anyways so on vacation there was this one guy who was low key hot who i kept bumping into and he was really nice. but u know...guys get jealous lmao. we still going strong. also it's not a crime. i don't like him as  crush i just think he's hot. and my bf calls other girls cute but nothing more than a friend.

anndsjsiaokdksm i'm mad at my friend rn bc i was playing fortnite with him and he kept dying and he just sucks.


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