chapter 15

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Hailey **

I woke up the next morning early and jumped on Keely.

"Keely! Keely! Keely! Keely! Keely! Keely!" I yelled jumping on her bed.

"Go back to sleep!" She groaned putting a pillow over her head.

"But Jonahs coming over soon!" I whined hitting her head with a pillow. She instantly brightened up and shot up in her bed.

"Really?" She asked.

"Just kidding! We're going over to his room soon though. But more importantly, who's the lazy ass now?" I asked sticking my tounge out at her.

We both wore a white adidas sweatshirt and some adidas sweatpants. We both had two Dutch braids running on the back if our heads and both wore maroon vans. We walked over to Logan and Jonahs room and barged right in. "HI GUYS!" I yelled into their room. Jonah and Logan both groaned. "Hi Jonah." Keely said. Jonah opened his eyes a bit and said, "How come there are two of you Keely?"

We both crossed our arms at the same time and it was funny because Jonah just looked even more confused. "I'm Hailey, and that's Keely." I said hitting Jonah with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

"Yeah, do you want to get some food?" Keely asked him. He immediately jumped out of bed and licked his lips putting some shoes on. "I'll take that as a yes." Keely giggled as they walked out.

I jumped on Logan and he just kept on flipping to the other side. "Hailey go back to sleep!" He said. I shook my head and yanked the covers off of him. "Sheesh!" He said now waking up. "Might as well start the vlog." 

"Mhmm, let's do something fun you lame bitch!" I said jumping on him. "There's lots of things to do here in Chicago! But can we go eat breakfast now? I'm starving."

"Yeah." He agreed.

We were in the elevator and somehow thoughts of Zach came popping in my mind. Two other people also came in the elevator but I payed them no attention. I saw that Logan was shooting them dirty looks every now and then. The elevator stopped to the lobby and we all walked out. I saw Zach, Daniel, Jack, and Corbyn standing all in one spot and Keely and Jonah were getting food. I walked towards Zach until one guy from the elevator stopped me. "Hey girl, you look like an angel, but maybe I could give you a piece of heaven." He said winking at me. (CORBYN!!!!! Does anyone remember that 15 seconds shoot out? no one? only just me? okay.) Damn, but he was hot. He had tannish skin, grey eyes that you get lost in, and beach blonde hair. I looked at Zach, and then all the feelings I had for that guy for only five seconds vanished. He wore a blue adidas sweatshirt and black ripped jeans.

"Sorry, but I'm busy today." I said sweetly batting my eyelashes at him and walked away. I saw his other friend laughed at him and I rolled my eyes and saw him. We locked eyes, but then I instantly broke away when the boys approached me.

"Hailey can you not take all the French toast this time?" Daniel asked.

"No." I scowled at him and he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay." He backed away.

When I got to the French toast area, I saw that it was all gone. I instantly looked at Keely, and saw that Jonah was holding her plate that was full of French toast. She looked at me and her smile faltered, now looking fearful. "Okay! I'll give you half!" She said. I deepened my look and she said, "Fine! I'll only have five pieces then!"

Zach got a whole plate of bacon, Corbyn got on omelette, Jack got sausages, Daniel got pancakes, and Logan got everything on his plate. We were all going to get individual plates of only one thing then share it.

When we got to our table my phone vibrated and I turned to look at it.

Miles Thomas airdropped you a note. I opened the note and it said, to the girl who rejected my friend and was in the same elevator as us. I hope this is you. here's my number, hmu. 729-999-1091

"Who's that?" Zach asked me.

"No one important." I said. I saw that his hand fidgeted so I put my hand on top of his. I don't know why, but it just felt so right. We both blushed and Daniel started smirking. I swear I heard him mutter "Zailey is up and running again. Don't be surprised if there are any little Zachs or Haileys running around now" to Jack. Jack instantly brightened up and licked his lips looking at me and Zach.

"What happened?" Logan asked. We immediately drew our hands back and said "Nothing, why?"

Zach **

When Hailey placed her hand on mine I immediately went red. Daniel muttered something in Jacks ear and Jack smirked at us. Logan broke the silence and we both pulled away.


We all went to Hailey and Keelys room after breakfast and that's when Corbyn said, "Why don't you and Hailey sing a song together?" to me.

"But we are in San Diego." I said.

"But you guys just seem so natural singing together." Keely said.

"Nah," Logan said. I looked at Hailey and she just looked at me pursing her lips.

"How about we ask Aspen?" She asked. I feel like she wanted us to sing together, and knew that Aspen would too. Jack immediately facetimed Aspen and she immediately picked up.

"What's up noodle head?" She asked.

"Should Zach and Hailey sing together?" Daniel asked in the background.

"Oh hell yeah! Keep me on the phone, I need to hear this." Aspen said. "You guys should sing Young Dumb and Broke."

Hailey nodded and began the first few chords on her guitar. "So you're still thinking of me. Just like I know you should. I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could. I'm so high at the moment. I'm so caught up in this. Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke. But we still got love to give."

"While we're young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb broke high school kids. Yadadadadadadada. Yadadadadadada. Yadadadadadadada. Young dumb broke high school kids." I chorused. I realised how easy it was to sing with her.

"We have so much in common. We argue all the time. You always say I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I'm right. What's fun about commitment? When we have our life to live. Yeah, we're just young dumb and broke. But we still got love to give."

"While we're young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb broke high school kids. Yadadadadadadada. Yadadadadadada. Yadadadadadadada. Young dumb broke high school kids."

"Jump and we think, leave it all in the game of love. Love. Run into sin, do it all in the name of fun. Fun. Whoa-oa-oa. I'm so high at the moment. I'm so caught up in this. Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke. But we still got love to give."

"While we're young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb. Young, young dumb and broke. Young dumb broke high school kids. Yadadadadadadada. Yadadadadadada. Yadadadadadadada. Young dumb broke high school kids. Yadadadadadadada. Yadadadadadada. Yadadadadadadada. Young dumb broke high school kids." I finished. Aspen and Corbyn cheered and Daniel was jumping up and down like a fan girl. Jonah and Keely were lost in each other's eyes again and Jack clapped loudly yelling "IMAGINE HOW WELL MY NIECES AND NEPHEWS WILL BE ABLE TO SING!" Only Logan was the only one not doing anything but smiling and holding his vlogging camera.

"Come on! Can we go for a ride on a speedboat?" Hailey asked. Logan brightened up and said "Just like her big brother."

Aspen hung up and we left.

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