C5 - I want to high-five you, in the face, with a chair, on fire

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"I thought I lit a fire in your eyes but I realise it was the reflection of the one you set in mine."

It was quite obvious that I didn't go to school the following day. My older brother Reece walked in at 2 pm surprised or more so pissed off that I wasn't at school. He had been unaware that I hadn't gone as he left quite early in the morning and I was never awake when he left. he stood the doorway of the kitchen and waited for me to notice.

"Hey Lace, is there any reason why I got a phone from your principle questioning your absence?" he cut me off before I could respond. " I mean of course I'm speaking to a hologram of you because you are obviously in school at the moment because there is no reasonable explanation for why you are not there. you are clearly not under the weather or have a fatal injury as you are eating cereal at," he paused to check his watch. "2.07pm so please enlighten me as to why you are not in school."

"Uh..... I don't want to be there." I bargained.

"Why exactly?" he folded his arms across his chest. "You've had no problem with it. since moving here it's been different to the last moves, you've been happier that I've seen. Or is that not the chase. You made a friend on your first day and you told me you love the classes they offer so what changed?"

"I called a teacher a bitch." his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of the sockets.


"She was being unreasonable." I turned away from him and continued eating my cereal.

"So like you are right now. she probably doesn't want to deal with hormonal teenagers but it's her job. its a requirement for her as going to school as it is for you. Come on, we're going." He removed his coat from the hat stand next to the door.

"But it's almost done,"I whined.

"Yes I'm aware of that but I would like to speak with your principle and not have to take time away from the job that I am REQUIRED to be at. does that ring a bell to you? and you need to be there to hear from an outside source how immature you are being. this is supposed to be a new start for us and you are beginning to mess it up quite quickly."

"Fine." i rolled my eyes and dragged my feet all the way back to my room to change.

Once we entered the school, Reece asked at the reception where the office was and we went on our way. As we sat in the waiting area outside of Mr Cohen's office, I slumped in my chair feeling defeated.

"You know I'm not angry at you." Reece broke the silence.

"Well, you did yell at me and that kind of gives me the indication that you're pissed off."

"I'm just frustrated at the moment with everything. I know school can suck but you have to go. Anyway, it's an excuse for me to not deal with you and your histrionics and sometimes I want to high-five you, with a chair, on fire." he joked.

"Hey!" I shoved his shoulder and he laughed. a knock on the door brought us out our wrestling. Mr Cohen stood in the doorway.

As he stood there he beckoned us in. "Come into my office so I can explain in painstaking detail of much of a-"

"Dumbass," I interjected. Mr Cohen laughed whilst Reece snickered.

"No, I was going to say, talented student, you are. which is why I find the fact you are insulting teachers astonishing and strange. Would you like to tell me why you called Mrs Rothman and I quote 'a bitch'?"

I was weary about confessing. Mr Cohen seemed nice enough but I had quite the difficulty talking to adults about my problems as the result of them calling my problems 'pedestrian' was high in my mind. I vaguely muttered.

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