Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"golden child, lion boy; tell me what it's like to conquer. Fearless child, broken girl; tell me what it's like to burn."

"you were the one who put fish in her hair. Wow you really know how to flatter a girl."

"Tom, I didn't mean to."

"Why did you put those fish pedicure fish in her hair, aren't they a health risk?"

"there called Garra rufa and funny Alexis said the same thing."

"hey what are you guys talking about?" I walked up to Thomas and Noah fully knowing what they were talking about, but Noah could basically be the spokesperson from fish pedicures and it was prpbably a good idea to stop him before things got too weird.

I know what you'll ask, didn't she say she loved him. I think I do. I'm confused. Love is so foreign to me, but this felt right.

After a couple of hours later Elise and I were at the printer, printing some practice math worksheets. The library door opened and in came Noah. He walked past us but touched my shoulder and whispered, "Good Morning."

"hi." I muttered. Elise turned to me and her mouth gaped open. "I'll tell you later."

"no. you'll tell me now."

"we have to go. Class, remember?"

"hello you live with the principle, you get special privledges."

"no I don't. Jeremy literally said 'I'll be your principle during the day and your brother's boyfriend in the afternoon, those worlds wont intercept, they'll just be like parallel lines.' So no special privileges."

"yeah and you told me he said 'if you have any queries do not hesitate to ask at any time. That means you can manipulate the situation because your best friend was dying to know something, actually don't include that. I'm not getting dragged into it."

"you bitch." I casually slapped her and she just laughed.

"so what happened."

"well when you and ethan were making out somewhere else. We were just cuddling on my sofa watching Christmas movies and the power went out and it is very cold."


"we just hugged and during new years eve we made truce to forget what happened last year and we might've kissed the other day on the couch and the other day when he left early."

"so you guys official?"

"no. we haven't talked and I don't want to rush anything, you know what happened last time."

"No," she grabbed my shoulders. "do not let your feelings go unknown and if he doesn't respect it then let him go. Give me your phone."

"what youre not going to call him are you?"

"no, but I'm making you guys talk. Lunch today."


I was pacing inside a classroom waiting for Noah.

"I can't say I love you, I just can't it's not in my DNA." Im sure he wont notice if I don't show. I walked out of the room and bumped into noah.

"I was just coming to find you." He grabbed my hand to pull me up

"Oh fuck I love you." I muttered.

"what was that?"

"uh nothing. Sorry got to go. Bye." I rushed away.

I was back in Noah's room, strange I know but I had to talk to hum. I wimped out before and I wasn't going to do it again.

"golden child, lion boy; tell me what it's like to conquer." I read.

"Fearless child, broken girl; tell me what it's like to burn." I spun around to see noah.

"what is that even from?" I asked

"I dunno, found it on the internet." Cue eyeroll. "so what are you doing here?"


"sorry reece needs me." I rushed away... again.

"I hope youre not making this a regular occurance, I'd like to see you." He called after me but I heard his chuckle. 

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