C7 - light me up and let me burn

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I didn't know where that left Noah and me. Since the hang out it was presumably so that we were closer but it didn't feel as like that. It felt like I was holding a match. One blow and it would cease to exist. Every time I saw him in a dark corridor or a classroom I felt torn. do I go up to him like we're normal friends or stay with someone I'm close to? It felt like we were close but not close enough. There seemed to be a missing piece. I was toying on which idea I should persist with when Noah walked into my geography classroom fully interrupting Mr Gardener whom I had not been paying attention to.

"Can I help you Noah?" everyone's attention turned to Noah.

"Yes, sorry to interrupt Mr Gardener but Mr Kentworth has requested to see Lacey Cambridge." Mr Garderner gave Noah a puzzled look in response. i hid my face with my hand. oh god why did he have to say that. i wanted to take a gigantic eraser and erase that from his memory.

"There isn't a Lacey Cambridge in this class. Do you have the wrong classroom?" At this moment Noah noticed his mistake.

"Uh sorry, i meant he asked for Ari."

"Okay well go ahead, Ari."

I walked out of the classroom following Noah. he lead us to the drama props room.

"Uh, Noah why are we in here. I thought you said Mr Kentworth wanted to see me and I know I'm still kind of new to this school but I've been to Mr Kentworth's office and this is not it."

"I just used that as a ploy to get you out of class."

"How did that even work?"

"With this smile, I can get away with anything." he flashed me his smile and leaned against the wall, but missed the shelve so he came crashing down and dragging a box of wigs with him. The box landed on his head as he landed on a sombrero. I burst out laughing. that seemed like the old Noah. Trying to act suave but making himself look like an idiot.

"You look like a freaking idiot."

"I'm an idiot. You're an idiot. We're the co-presidents of the Idiot Club."

"There is no way we are in the same category, even if we're talking about being idiots. Anyway, why am I in here?"

"I'M trying to have a serious conversation with you! since you've avoided me in the halls. seriously why don't you just come up and talk to me?"

"Okay now, this is me trying to subtly avoid it! Also, there is no way we could have a serious conversation with you wearing that ridiculous pirate hat.'" he picked up the closet hat to him and put it on my head. it was a clown wig. a Bright RED like firetruck red clown wig.

"Now we're both idiots." he started to laugh. he begun to lose his balance, then proceeded to bring me down with him to the ground. I joined in with his laughter. he sobered up.

"You're different Lacey."

"I'm not Lacey anymore." it was different this time. no bitterness was caught on my tongue. "She's not apart of me anymore." I sat up. my eyes began to water. I squeezed them shut, hoping that would dry them up. I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Hey," his voice was a quiet, calm whisper. I looked at him. he looked at me. he leaned closer. by the off chance what I thought he was insinuating was going to happen, I turned away. my stomach immediately started burning, this immediately made my face flush red.

"Uh, we should probably go." I pulled off the wig. he did the same. we parted our ways. there we were all the way back to square one. again. I reached for the door handle and I bet you can guess what happened next. It wouldn't turn. we were stuck. I sunk against the door. we had been locked in. The Props room doesn't open from the inside. safe to say it was hours before we got out of there.

"You intrigue me." noah said out of the blue.

i shallowed. my mouth had gone dry. i pulled my sleeved down past my palms. "I'm not that interesting."

"Funny," he paused. a flicker of a smile emerged on his face. there was a gaze that never wavered. "Uninteresting people dont generally have to say that. their personality speaks for itself."

i felt uncomfortable. it was getting too much for me. tears welled in my eyes. i stared at the ground, defeated. i had to leave. i couldnt handle this. i could feel the brink of a serious conversation. he was trying to get me to shed a layer. he took a step closer to me, and he was mesmerised. i know i seem like a crybaby but as soon as i'm alone with my thoughts or focred into a situation where i have to share them, they go wild and so do i. im an emotional wreck, thats what i was becomming now and i just couldnt let noah see me like that, at least not for the second time.

"What are you trying so hard to hide?" he murmured.

"i- i cant do this. not now. stop!" i turned towards the door, pounded my fist agaist it and called out for help. a couple of minutes later we were greeted by some slightly confused/scared year 7s. i tried desperatly to apologise to the teacher, trying to make sure we weren't in there for a different reason if you know what I mean. Noah unsurprisingly did not help with the persuasion, he kept accidentally saying something with a slight sexual undertone. it was 3.50pm which meant school was over, it also meant thankfully those year 7s had come back to return props or we would have been there for longer. we walked out and parted ways. well after i tried to lighten up the day. the best way to change his lasting thought of me was to make it positive.

"you know you have been remarkably behaved today aside for locking me inside the props room and making me have to listen to you being an idiot for a couple of hours. what did you do?"

"Ahaha- Nothing."

"I mean it though when I say you've been slightly more tolerable today."

"Thank you. Well, I think its about time I leave behind the idiot I was a years ago." I laughed.

"Give it a week before you're back to your old ways." he smiled and we continued to walk in silence. I would be lying if I said his smile made my heart flutter a little. it was true to say his smile lit me up and I would let it burn me.

maybe it was lucky that it didnt last for long...

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