Chapter 35"As night became day, he started to understand the truth."

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Chapter 35

"As night became day, he started to understand the truth."

As night became day, he started to understand the truth. She set herself on fire and the flames were too big for anyone to save her from the flames in her heart.

I slumped on the bed and moaned in frustration. I turned to noah and burst out laughing.

"you should see your face right now!

He came up to me leaned down to me as I laid on the bed.

"tonight i'll make you moan for real and you won't laugh like that, trust me." my mouth gaped open.


I woke up in sweats. It was a dream, thank god it was a dream.

"okay so I have an idea." I sat in homeroom, scrolling through Instagram and Elise was talking to me well, rather at me.

"Beg for it Elsie. Hands and knees."

"Do you really think that'll work?'

"If I know my girlfriend you'll have to beg. She's a fireball." And he winked. I cringed as I remembered my dream. Suddenly everything had a sexual connotation.

"I want us to include someone into our friendship group."

"really Elise that's what this is about. Why did Noah say beg for it? Who is it?"

"my cousin Beatrice." She stepped out and I swore.

"no fucking way." I turned to noah. "this is the girl who you cheated with and you want me to pretend its all sunshine and rainbows every day till I leave?"

I ran out.

"hey, hey, hey."

"why? Why her? why my best friends cousin? How must more torture do you insit on inflicting on me?"

"she's really not a bad person lexi." I scoffed between the tears.

"of course! You would say that. Is this your plan of hiding in plain sight?"

"no no. of course not."

"noah I think our flame is burning out and-and," my lip quivered. "its best if I bow out before I'm left in darkness."

"Hey hey come here."

"we can get through this."

"no we cant. I'm mad at the wrong person. I shouldn't be mad at this poor incconet girl."

"innocent is quite the stretch."

"Don't you DARE flip this on her. Stop asking me to trust u while im still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown."

I know it was bad but Sometimes we fall in love with ideas not people but I should really learn about the people and stop drowning in my thoughts of what I want him to be and what he really is.

"You cant stop the waves but you can learn to surf."

"You're forgiving me?"

"you're lucky you're cute."


"no no no its not a cute thing"

"you legit just said cute."

Ethan and I had to do a Japanese assignment where we had to re-in act a normal activity but all in Japanese and it had to be filmed... Noah sauntered In and proclaimed. "Je t'aime ma petite tête de chou."

"I love you my little cabbage head?"

"okay so the execution was a little off but I'm trying to help."

"How?" I laughed.

"well, you're doing a language assignment and I'm a pro at French." I stiffed a laugh.

"sweetie," I touched his shoulder. "you know at themost five things in French; a couple of greeting and the most KNOWN french phrasefrom Lady Marmalade.""it could really helpful, you know?" I rolled my eyes andit wasn't from jealously.

"I'm sure it'll charm someone but not me and not now. we're doing a Japanese language assignment and I already have Ethan the imbecile to look after and I'm stressed so If you don't mind could you shoo." He turned around.

"NOAH! My dude, can you hang around?" Noah looked back at me. "we need someone to stabilise the camera; the last group took the last tripod." We arrived in the classroom where the tables were set up; tablecloth, glasses and some candles.


"sorry to interrupt but the batteries dead." Ethan and I both looked up from our scene: we sat at our table and he was asking what my number was.

"here give me the camera and I'll go get the new battery, you guys just stay here."

"no Lexi, I'll do it." Ethan stood up abruptly and rushed away.

"he didn't take the camera." I noticed.

"it was worthless, batteries fine. I just needed to take a leak." Noah said.

"ew, I don't need to know that information."

When they were both gone I hovered my wrist over the open flame. The camera was still on!! She was known for her extreme secrecy, but he was the one with all the secrets

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