Chapter eighteen - "some men just want to watch the world burn"

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Chapter eighteen - "some men just want to watch the world burn"

I thought the argument ended there but I got an unknown caller the morning after from his father asking me to come to the hospital because he wanted to talk to me.

The second I got there, ten eyes turned to me. a gasp escaped an auburn-haired woman; Ebony Perkins, his mother. It was like a gust of wind come over me, desperate to push me over.

"What is she doing here?" she spat. "Davis," she turned to her husband. "I want her gone." That felt like someone chucked a bucket of ice cold water on me to go along with the harsh wind. "do you know what she did to him?" she couldn't even look me in the eye. "Noah shouldn't have this toxin in his life. Make her leave or I'll make security remove her."

'oh god why did he have to say that. I wanted to take a gigantic eraser and erase me from his memory.'

The memory of him busting through the door of my history classroom flashed through my mind. When I said 'I wanted to erase me from his memory' I didn't mean this.

"Ebony calm down. I asked her to come. Alexis," he nodded his head towards the corridor. "I'll take you to see him."

I walked with him, entered the room filled with the spell of disinfectant and stood awkwardly as Davis closed the door behind me.

His poker face remained as he uttered six words. "Elise told me to talk to you." That bitch. Tears spilled out of my eyes. He sat there stoic and cold. My lip quivered but he sat motionless. "if you're just going to cry and weep you should leave."

"NO." I sobered up.


"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"I've had a lot of built up tension. I kept thinking about that night, the jury and Annabelle. You were there when it happened, you saw how that effected my life,"






I couldn't shed a tear because all I felt was my insides blubbering up. I went to shower to calm my thoughts, it didn't work. I stared at myself in the foggy mirror. I didn't see anyone, just a figure. I left to change. I returned, and the mirror was clear like a window. I stared long and hard about how I could let you ruin me. stared at my body, thinking how you could corrupt the only body I'll ever get. I still don't understand but the mirror was there, and I couldn't keep it in.

"sHIT." I MUTTERED. I stared at the blood trapped in the shards of glass. Then my eyes travelled down to my fist. Blood trickled down my fingers. I had to get out of there. I rushed out, my feet meeting the coarse and abrasive cement driveway and I leaped into the car. I didn't have any time to be apprehensive, I had to disregard the fact that my prior memories with the car were the furthest away from calming, but it was my last resort. I couldn't tell my parents what happened. If they had known she was the root of the problem, it would only make the problem worse. The angst took control of my body. My eyes were filled with angry tears that clouded my vision. I didn't see the truck coming from the left side of me and it rammed into the side. My car became like my mind; spiraling out of control.


"Look I can never really know how you felt in that situation unless it happened to me. i don't get most things but I know that I would never wish that upon anyone which makes me understand that it was wrong. I cant justify my actions but deep down I think I just wanted you to like me."

"I do like you."

"I'm an idiot and I didn't think things through. I'm a moron and I know you don't have to love me but you have to accept me."

His hand reached out to touch my tear stained cheek.

"I don't know how you can ever undo what is done but I cannot live with all this built up emotions. It's not good for the mirror or my hand." He motioned down to his hand wrapped in a cast. "I really like having you in my life." I didn't know if it was the right time to say it but I did.

"are you... blushing?"

"what, no."

"did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass Noah Perkins to blush?"

"no. you know I naturally go red in the face and it's cold in here."

"it's not cold...." He chuckled.

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