C9 - I thought I lit a flame in your eyes,

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I thought I lit a flame in your eyes, but it was on the reflection of the one you set in mine.

It was 7 pm on a Friday night and I was stood in front of a mirror second guessing my decision to agree to tonight. Elise sat on my bed behind me, gushing on my outfit.

"I don't know if this is a good idea. I think I should just call it off." I went to grab my phone off my dresser when Elise leapt at me, snatching the phone off of me and shoving it in her bra.

"No, you are getting this back when you are just about it to get into that car with him. Not a moment sooner." I internally groaned. my phone pinged and Elise chucked it at me. it was from Jonah and you can guess what it said.

 it was from Jonah and you can guess what it said

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I threw my phone on the floor in defeat. I flopped onto my bed and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't know why I fucking try." Elise walked up to me, stretched out her arms for me to grab.

"You know what fuck him. this is a sign that whatever he could've offered you, you deserve better. do you want me to stay over?"

"no, you go home. I'm just going to go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Uh-uh. no. you don't get a choice anymore. I'm staying over and we are going to have a bomb ass time and eat a shit ton of food. now I'm going to call my mum and tell her I'm crashing here. ill be back." a smile broke out on my face, everyone needs a friend like Elise.

as Elise was on the phone with her mother, it lasted 25 minutes more than it should've but what can I say Miranda worries about Elise, so I was just changing out of my 'date' outfit because of course, it's obviously not a thing anymore. whilst slipping a red hoodie over my head, my phone pinged again.

"Who are you texting?" I screeched and I looked up to Elise looking over my shoulder

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"Who are you texting?" I screeched and I looked up to Elise looking over my shoulder. I placed my hand on my chest from shock.

"God, you scared me." 

"So who you texting?"

"Noah." her eyes went wide and she got super hyper.

"OOOO. whats he saying?"

"Elise, chill. he's just asking about homework. it doesn't mean anything. its just normal friendly conversation, you know that he's a tolerable human being again." she rolled her eyes in response.

"whatever you say. I think he likes you and you like him. you've told me numerous amounts of times of your flirting encounters and such and I'm sure that you still like him. come on you're can't-fool me." I tried to fight but a smile found its way onto my face.

"arghh fine maybe I like him a little." she jumped up and down you'd think she had won the lottery.

"YAYYYY. now I can step you guys up."

"No no no no no. you just tried to do this with Jonah and i. remember that? he also stood me up TONIGHT. yeah like an hour ago. regardless he doesn't like me, all of the stuff I've said to you are only feeding the slightest possiblilty and I don't want false hope. please, Elise. just let me let it die." 

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