C12 - She's fire and ice all at the same time.

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Chapter twelve - Shes fire and ice all at the same time. You'll feel the cold and crave the burn






The trail was coming up, she hadn't done it in months. She stared at herself in the mirror and gripped the rim of the porcelain sink and tried to keep steady with her hands; they emulated the identical colour as the sink.

"one last time," she whispered as she stood watching through blood shot eyes.

One. Last. Time.


"Please state your name and relation to the plaintiff." Noah's lawyer asked.

"Alexis Cooper. I was in a close relationship with Noah."

"Define 'close relationship'." The lawyer continued

"we're friends and I've known him for a while and we'd gone on two dates."

"we need you Miss Cooper to be more specific."

"I've known him for nine years."

"before we continue I'd like you to state your name that is printed on your birth certificate."

'Uh oh.'

"Alessia Clayton."

"hm. Is there any reason you do not refer to yourself as that given name?"

"Objection. Relevance." The defense attorney interrupted.

"Overruled. It is not permitted to be discussed in court. Continue with given name." the judge came to her rescue although that name came with several traumatic memories. Noah knew that if the jury heard about her family issues they may be a little lenient towards her.

"according to her classmates, Miss 'Alexis Cooper' wasn't violent. She did do the arm slap or 'deserved' slap in the face as one anonymous source stated, but no violent tendencies."

Noah's mind went straight to the thighs scars he'd seen and the razor in the bathroom. something clicked inside his brain. Alexis is abusive – she hurts others just as much as she hurts herself. he thinks of how that's exactly what she thought of him when he came back; he was abusive. 'his once oceanic eyes turned icy cold. he was fuming with anger. he pushed me. I feel straight to the ground. my skirt moved up my legs. his eyes shot straight to my thighs, he gasped.'

The frustration had got to him. He tried to justify it, he had no right to. It was simple, his action, they were unjustifiable, just like Alexis's. He went to the principal during the recess in court. He filed the report that he had been violent against Lacey previously. The principal didn't look him in the eye and was very short with him. He gave him a detention and hurried away leaving Noah in the dust. 

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