Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

My mother was a hurricane, but you were a tornado with pretty eyes and a heartbeat

Other classroom thingos – trying to type or write and elbows touching. Whispering weird shit and the other one shushes them. Small laughter. – Saturday 3rd 1.56pm 2018

Noah and I had just spent the day finishing our history assignments in the actual classroom. The teacher caught onto how noah and I were using our time. We have to handwrite a final copy so my elbow kept nudging his and we just burst out into tiny fits of giggles. And when we weren't touching elbows he was whispering useless/weird shit into my ear and I was getting told off for talking when I told him to be quiet and all that little shit did was laugh at me.

"Reece! I'm home."

"kitchen." I was on a high but what I didn't know was I would hit an all-time low.

Huge blowout with her family, the restraining order is filed.

"I cannot believe you would do this to me, after everything ive done for you. I was your child. I looked up to both of you. I know blood doesn't make family but still. I can't even look at you..."

"you're just a kid." He spat.

"yeah maybe my age but no child should experience the things you put me through. I threw everything away for the both of you, for the possibility of change and even after I realised you weren't going to change. I gave up stability, my home, my friends, my identity, and now I'm giving up on you, I never want to see you again."

"Good luck with that sweetheart." My blood boiled. They thought using terms of endearment would make it seem more of a tough child lesson. Not this time.

"Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, I am Detective Keith Perkins, and this is my partner Darcy Adams. You'll have to come with us. You're under arrest on the charge of domestic violence and battery." Two police officers appeared from behind reece. Wait Keith Perkins, it couldn't be. We followed the two policeman out. One of them turned around the backseat door was closed.

"Alessia Clayton, Noah's old friend right?"

"uh I go by Alexis Cooper now. But yeah I know noah."

"have a good day miss. Say hi to Noah for me."

This time I was writing my feelings down. I dug out my pink diary with a cartoon fairy princess on the front or otherwise known as 'The Famous Diary OF Lacey Cambridge' and wrote,

I'm finally free.

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