Chapter 7- Moving In

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We chilled in Carters car smoking and talking. I had Saturday detention today however I did not want to see the principal ever again.

"Alright I better go before I get another detention for being late." I rolled my eyes.

Carter gripped my hand tighter. "Wait I meant to talk to you about something. What did the principal say that made you run out like that?"

I clenched my jaw remembering the words she said to me. Carter turned my head causing me to look at her. "She kicked me off the team..."

"WHAT! What do you mean she kicked you off the team, Why didn't you tell me this before Kodie?" Jas yelled.

I gave YM a look, she slapped Jasmine.

"Thank You...What did she kick you off for baby?"

"She basically said it's because of my actions, you know the spray painting accident. I was being good, I was doing everything right and she kicked ME off. She knows basketball is all I got left." I shook my head trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I'll have a talk with her stop crying lil baby." Carter said wiping my tears. "Let's get you to school." She started the car driving out of her driveway.

"Call any of us if you need us." Jas said hugging me.

"Wait I'm going inside to talk to the principal I'll walk you in." Carter said interlocking our fingers. We walked into the school, she walked me to the detention hall. "Alright lil baby be good." She kissed me hugging me tight, I nodded giving her a last look before walking into the classroom.


I knocked on the principals door. She looked up smiling taking off her glasses.

"Carter what are you doing here?" I took a seat sighing.

"It's about Kodie..." she cut me off.

"What she do now? I told her one more thing and she's out of here." She chuckled.

I furrowed my brow. I didn't like how quick she was against my baby.

"No it's about you kicking her off the team. What was the reason? Kodie didn't do shit." I said getting agitated.

"Carter, Kodie isn't in her right mind. She needs help and kicking her off the team will make her realize that."

I chuckled angrily. "You gone sit there and tell me what my baby needs? She don't need shit but support, her mom died that's why she acts the way she acts. Look what your doing, your treating her like she's the worst person in the world when all she need is love." I spoke the truth.

Kodie wasn't a bad person, she needs real love and that's why I'm here but I also wasn't about let anyone tell me my baby isn't in her right mind.

"Look Carter I'll let her back on the team but one more thing and she's not only kicked off the team but she's expelled." She smirked.

I cut my eyes at her. It's like she wanted Kodie to fail, I got up shaking my head.

"One more thing huh? How about you say one more thing to Kodie and I'm fucking you up." It wasn't a threat but simply a promise. I walked out of her office slamming the door on my way out.

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