Chapter 13- You Did It Baby

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"So you won't make my game?" I asked trying to hide the sadness in my voice. I shook my head looking out of the window.

"Baby." she reached over grabbing my hand kissing it. "I start my first day of work today but I will make it to your game. If not the first half I promise to be there the second half baby." she kissed my hand over and over again.

"I know but this is my biggest game and I wanted you to be there to support me since I have no one else." I said lowly, I could hear her sigh deeply.

"I know baby I know, I'll see what I can do."

We got out of the car, she came around interlocking our hands as we walked into the mall.

"Where you want to go first lil baby?"

I stopped walking looking around. My first answer would've been the food court but I didn't want to sound like a fat ass.

I pointed to footlocker. She nodded pulling me towards the store. I looked through the store for some new shoes for the game tonight since I left my old ones at my old house.

"Baby can you get those?" I pointed to some all black UA on the top shelf. She grabbed my correct size pulling me towards the register.

"Is this all for you two?" we nodded. "$40.32" I reached to grabbed my wallet but Carter was already handing her a $50 bill. Carter grabbed the bag and my hand as we walked out of the store.

"I could've brought it." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but I wanted to buy it myself, now let's go get you something to eat. Ion want you playing on an empty stomach plus I know you're hungry fat ass." she chuckled, I smiled widely.

We walked into the food court, I could feel the stares and hear the whispers. I know what they're probably thinking "how can two girls dressed up as boys date eachother?" At first I thought the same thing why not just date a boy but it's more to it than that. When studs love other studs we don't look at appearance or how the dress it's how they make us feel, they make us feel something femmes can't. Stud for stud is definitely something special that outsiders wouldn't understand.

"What got you day dreaming over there?" Carter raised her brow. I shook my head smiling, I gripped her by her chin pulling her to my level giving her a kiss.

After getting our food we went back to the car, she had to get ready for work and I had to meet up with the team for the game.

"I promise to make it to your game baby so stop looking so sad alright? Imma be there." she reassured. I nodded, we got out walking into the house.


It was tough seeing my baby so down. I grabbed my keys sitting on the bed waiting for Kodie to be done.

"Ma not home?" Kodie asked coming down stairs. She was dressed in some basketball shorts, an under shirt and the schools jersey.

I shook my head sighing deeply. "No she hasn't been home for a couple days now and I'm starting to get worried. When I call she don't pick up barely and when she does is always short conversations."

"You think she good?" I got up walking behind Kodie to the car.

"I hope so baby." I drove to the school to drop Kodie off. I was dreading the time go by so I could make her last game of the year. "Alright baby do you best, work hard and most importantly win."

She nodded giving me a small smile before getting out of the car with her bag. I sighed watching her walk inside before pulling off.


"Kodie this is your third time dosing off, I need you on your game. This is the last game you'll ever play considering you are a senior. But as for others winning this game will motivate future East Atlanta kids to join our team." the coach said.

I nodded not really paying attention, Carter still wasn't here and the game was set to start any minute now. Jasmine was here to play but I made sure to keep my distance and YM came to support me as a brother should.

"I'm good it's not like I haven't brung this team to victory while I was dozing off or having a bad day before. Remember the game after my mom passed away? I led the team with a blowout 108-20. I'm good and I got this." I straightened my shorts standing up. I put my hair into a ponytail walking out of the lockers room. I looked around still no Carter, I sighed deeply shaking my head.

"You good bro?" YM asked pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah just wish my baby was here you know? It's my last game of my years in high school so it's a big deal to me but thank you for being here." I smiled a little.

"You know I wasn't going to miss your last game Kod. Go out there and do your best as if Carter is here watching you alright?" I nodded. I walked over to the rest of the team. I noticed Jasmine walking over through the corner of my eyes and sighed again, I was not in the mood for her shenanigans.

"Kodie just please talk to me, it's been a couple days and I know you miss me." she grabbed my arm. I chuckled angrily.

"I can't even be mad anymore. Do your best for this game and maybe I'll have a heart to heart conversation with you afterwards." she smiled a little nodding. The coach called us over, its game time.


I rushed to the school as fast as I could. I grabbed her flowers and gift bag walking into the school.

"About time you got here, hurry up we don't have that long until this shit end and Kodie slowly losing her grind." YM said pulling me towards the gym, we walked in. I stood there plain in sight.

YM signaled Kodie, her eyes locked with mines as she smiled widely. She looked as if her whole world stopped, I winked letting her know to do her thing.

After Kodie shot the winning shot the game ended in victory I waited on the bleachers with YM as everyone walked out. Kodie came running into my arms crying.

"Woah lil baby what's the deal?"

"They want me, the college officials for college basketball wants me! And you made it to see my winning shot." she hugged me tighter. I kissed her forehead over and over.

"I told you I was going to make it. I'm proud of you baby." I kissed her lips pulling her into a tighter hug. I gave her the gifts I brought seeing her eyes light up, I took her hand leading her to the car dapping YM up in the process.

"You made me proud as fuck baby, you gonna take there offer at the college?" I asked pulling out of the driveway.

She shrugged. "I mean yeah but what about you? I want to be with at all times Carter and you know that."

I nodded. We never really had a conversation about college so we knew at some point we'd have to figure it all out.

"Let's not worry about that for now." I grabbed her hand kissing it. "You did it baby, tonight is your night." I gripped her hand in mind tightly, I was planning on making her feel like nothing else mattered tonight because to me nothing else did.

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