Chapter 17- You Don't Know My Story

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"You know my story...What's yours?"

Oct. 25th

I held onto Carter tightly as she slept. We decided to stay home from school today which was needed for both of us. I was thinking about visiting my mom's grave and Carter's mom was still missing. I sighed getting up slowly so I wouldn't wake her up, I heard noises downstairs.

I grabbed my pepper spray opening the door quietly, the noise was coming from downstairs. I crept slowly, the kitchen light was on. I peaked in seeing Carter's mom raiding through the cabinets.

"What are you doing?" she jumped dropping food in the process, I cut on the rest of the lights. She looked strung out, her hair was a mess, her clothes were ripped and she had a couple bruises on her. My face scrunched up a bit.

"Kodie I uh- what are you doing up so late?" she shivered looking nervous. Is she serious?

"You leave and disappear leaving us by ourselves, I catch you stealing our food and that's all you have to say? Where have you been? My girlfriend has been stressed because you haven't been home so give me a damn answer!" I yelled. I was beyond pissed.

"Baby is everything good, who you talking too?" Carter asked in her sleepy voice. She stepped around me seeing her mom. It's like her heart dropped as she froze in place.

"What the fuck going on?" her jaw was clenched and if looks could kill her mom would be dead.

"Oh my god baby I've missed you so much." She cried stepping closer to us. Carter pushed me back stepping infront of me, she locked her arm tightly around my waist protectively.

"Don't come near us. Go sit your ass down NOW!" Carter yelled making us both jump. Her mom nodded quickly coming to sit down on the couch. Carter say down in a chair pulling me on her lap. "Explain to me why you disappear for weeks then I catch you in the kitchen looking like your strung out on drugs?"

"I couldn't stay here anymore Carter, after your dad died I slowly began to die inside. I met a man and he has been taking care of me. If I do things for him he gives me money and drugs, I'm sorry baby." She cried out. I rolled my eyes not feeding into the crocodile tears.

Carter leg started bouncing. She gripped my waist forcefully, I winced. Carter was at the point where she was going to explode at any minute.

"So you leave your only child for some money and drugs? Do you not remember why dad got killed? Hm? Or have you forgotten? He got killed because you were having an affair with a drug dealer. I forgave you I did until you do some shit like this." Carter chuckled angrily shaking her head.

With every word Carter's voice got louder. I was confused, why didn't she tell me this? I've told her my story but I have yet to know hers. I sat back not saying another word.


Seeing my mom like this broke my heart but made me angry at the same time. How can she leave me for money and drugs while I'm here struggling to keep this house together for me and Kodie.

"I need you to get out, Kodie has already been around someone like you her whole life and I won't have her go through it again. I love you and I always will but I have to protect my girl at all cost and having you here is not what's best for me or her." I looked her dead in the eye.

"Carter." I put my hand up shaking my head. I moved Kodie standing up. "Leave." she left out the door without another word. I collapsed on the couch bursting out crying. I never wanted to see my mom like that ever again.

"Baby why didn't you tell me any of this before? I told you everything now it's time you start opening up." Kodie said pulling me into her chest kissing my forehead. I wrapped my arms around her tightly letting everything out.

"Shh I'm here baby." she reassured kissing me softly. I wiped my eyes sitting up. "Now tell me what made her like this?"

"While her and my dad was married she was having an affair with a drug dealer, sometimes she would constantly come home hella high or just happy as hell and we didn't know why. I was young but I still knew her job wasn't the reason she was that happy. Fast forward my dad found out she's been talking to someone else but didn't know who or how dangerous he was so he called me up to meet. The guy came they started talking, then arguing, then boom my dad is laying in my arms taking his last breath. I bet it's that same nigga that she's with now." I clenched my fists shaking my head.

"We have to help her tho Carter, no matter how mad you are we have too. You'll regret it if you don't and something happens to her trust me I did." Kodie explain running her hand through my hair.

"She did give a fuck about me when she left! Kodie I'm not helping her, she got herself into this." I pushed Kodie off hard not meaning to and got up pacing around. I was contemplating should I help her or wish her the best?

"Baby listen to me. Every mom is not perfect but you won't get another one if they leave. It's best if we help her maybe get her into rehab and you can learn to trust her and love her again." Kodie was right.

I sighed deeply nodding. I sat down pulling Kodie onto me snuggling my head in the crook of her neck. "You'll be there with me right?"

She smiled small. "Of course now lets go." She pulled my upstairs, we quickly threw on some clothes and our shoes. Carter grabbed the keys and I grabbed our phones as we ran to the car. She couldn't be far so this won't be a hard search.

Carter squeezed my hand every now and then. I smiled kissing her hand gently, it was 8 in the morning and we were still very much tired.

"Baby stop." I pointed to a nearby bench. Someone was laying on it and I knew it was her. She stopped the car, we got out the car walking up to her.

"Ma..." Carter called out lowly. She looked up smiling widely. Carter shook her head picking her up bringing her to the car. I checked her person seeing it filled up with cocaine and other drugs and sighed deeply. I got her important stuff out then threw her purse in the nearby trash can not caring what happened to it.

We looked back at her sleeping peacefully. "Let's takes her to the hospital then the rehab center." Carter said sniffing a little.

"Your doing the right thing baby." I kissed her hand.  She smiled small and continued to drive. I looked back at her mom the looked at Carter, I was extremely proud of my baby.

This became my most loved book. Thank You Guys for getting this book so far 😭

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