what if,
and i know this probably sounds insane,
but believe me.
i think i just figured out why sesame street is so terrifying.
what if sesame street is a satanic cult
that kidnaps children and forces them to learn about weird shit
and do questionable projects.
mr. noodle is just a man being held hostage because he knows too much.
he doesn't talk because elmo,
the cult leader,
cut his tongue out.
what if elmo's always singing these stupid songs
because he's brainwashing children at home to join the cult
if this isn't scary then i don't fucking know what is.
what's the deal with yellow paint?
why is it so identical to nacho cheese?
it's almost sUsPiCiOuS
next time you make nachos,
check for that crayola bullshit before you eat it.
someone could try and ruin you.
until next time folks,
save yourselves.
- b :')