jacOb likes to do this thing where
he acts all cute and shit.
you know,
calling me cute names and shut.
and then just when i'm like.
he's really fucking adorable.
he does some shit like this
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i don't know.
i don't even think he knows.
it's times like these where i really just take a step back
and realize,
how much of a dork he really is.
and trust me when i say he's a dork.
but it's okay.
dorky looks cute on him.
even if he forgot my name and called me 'britney'
totally not salty about him forgetting my name.
or when he says my dog is cuter than i am.
which is a lie,
i'm the cutest.
and oh my fucking god when he calls me names he knows i hate.
i won't repeat them but he knows exactly what i'm talking about.
he's still adorable.
jacOb if you're reading this,
stop giving my dog more attention than you give me.
like seriously though.
- b :)