chapter 1

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Soda's POV

I woke up that morning to the sound of birds chirping and Ponyboy snoring beside me, the sun poking in between the blinds. I turn over on my side, 9:47 Is displayed across the florescent lit screen of the alram clock,

"shit!" I fling the covers off and leap out of bed, trying not to wake Ponyboy. I was late for work...again.

I scramble trying to find my DX shirt in the pile of dirty clothes in the corner, I dont bother showering I was already late enough.

When I finally find my shirt I take off down the stairs so fast I could have won an Olympic gold medal.

"Jesus little buddy, you're causing quite the commotion." Darry says as I charge past him, he was lounging on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Sorry Darry I ain't got  time for your big words, I'm late for work!" I call back grabbing the car keys from the kitchen counter, and I race out to our old beaten up Ford.

I drove like the devil himself was after me, surprised I didn't get pulled over.

"Look who finally decided to show an up!" Steve says when I walk through the door wiping his hands on an old rag.

"Ah cool it let's just get the day over with." I answer,  walking around the counter and into the backroom. Finally able to catch my breath.

Sorry its a little short. I promise the story will get better soon!

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