Chapter 83

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Sodas POV


My knuckles stung. I ignored the pain. Hopefully Steve's face hurt more. 

My well worn shoes slap against the pavement, my breath coming out in white puffs in the cool November evening. I continue down the sidewalk, not really sure where I was going. But really I don't think I cared. 

Steve was supposed to be happy for me. What is his problem?

I was deep in thought we a group of boys starts trailing me.

"Where you off too in such a hurry greasy boy?" One of the shouts up. 


I roll my eyes and don't answer. 

"Hey! my buddy asked you question!" Another shouts.

Their footsteps getting closer behind me. I keep my pace the same. 

"Look guys I ain't lookin for trouble." I reply, just trying to get them off my back.

"Oh man he talks! Surprised you were able to form that sentence you drop out!" The first one shouts up and they all snicker. 

"Maybe you should have thought about that when you crossed into our turf." A new one crows. 

I hadn't even realized I was in Soc territory. 

One grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around. There was around five or six of them. All wearing similar outfits; ski jackets and expensive looking jeans, 

"Nice looking boy, for a greaser."  The first one messes with my hair. He is a little taller than me, 5'11 maybe. Blonde hair is trimmed and slicked back nicely.

"Like I said I don't want any trouble, I'll just get out of your hair." I shove his hand away. 

"Too late grease." Another pipes up, 

"Christ your lucky your family is rich, maybe daddy can pay for a nose job." I spit without thinking. 

Before I can reply the swish of a switch blade echos in my ear. The blade pressed against my neck. 

"If you know whats good for you you'll keep your mouth shut." The boy seethes in my ear. 

"Lay off his ass Paul." A red headed one says chuckling. "You know he ain't wrong." The others laugh when Paul tries to act tough.

"Your mom sure doesn't seem to mind." Paul spits back and the red head squares him up.

"Guys!" The blonde one scolds before a fight breaks out among the Socs. "We still got our greaser pal to deal with." He smiles wickedly. 

All of a sudden I hear the click of a loaded pistol. 


Heh, it has been awhile. Oopsies :)

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