chapter 39

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Sodas POV

I pull on a plain flannel, one that I didn't wear anymore. Just in case I got blood on it. The rumble was tonight at 8, it was 7:30.

My bedroom door clicks open and Y/n pokes her head in.

"Soodaaa." She coos and sits on my bed.

"Nope." I smugly smile at her.

"But you haven't even heard what I said yet." She exclaims.

"Don't need to, I know what you're gonna ask."

She sighs.

"I just wanna go to the rumble to watch. Thats all I wanna do."

"I'm sure." I snort.

She lays back with her arms splayed out.

"I'm sorry. It's just I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Thats what everyone keeps saying." She scoffs.

"Look I'm sorry. But we really should be going. We gotta be there by 8."

She nods.

"You can hang out in here if you want."

She doesn't say anything.

"I'll see ya later okay." I head for the door.

"Soda." She says and I turn around. "Don't get hurt too bad please. For me."

I smile and nod. I leave and close the door behind me.

"Ya'll idiots ready to go?" Two-Bit asks when I get down the stairs.
"Fuck yeah!" Dally shouts taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"Then lets go!" Two-Bit shouts cracking open a beer.

Steve races out the front door belting out one of his famous Indian calls then doing a backflip off the front porch.

The others and I follow in a similar manner.

We walk down the street shouting and laughing. Neighbors close their windows and most likely lock them too. We weren't trusted in this area but they knew better than to say anything.

"Soda." Darry pulls me aside. "The fuz show up, I want you to take Pony and Johnny, and beat it outta there. You hear me boy." He said, sounding more like my father everyday.

"People 'round here know better then to call the fuz." A drunken Two-Bit slings an arm around Darry's shoulder.

"Well just in case-"

"Yeah yeah Darry I know. This ain't my first rodeo." I roll my eyes with a smile and he ruffles my hair.

We walk into an abandoned lot. Tim Shepherds gang was already there. Everyone walked over to talk to them, but Johnny stayed behind with me. He was a little intimidated by Tim and his gang, which is understandable.

"If I know my sister, shes gonna show up tonight." Johnny leans back against a reserved parking sign.

"Yeah I know she will." I shove my hands into my pockets. "Just don't want her too."

"I think ya'll are worrying too much. If somethung happend theres seven of us to help her out. Plus Tim's gang."

I never thought about it that way. Sure she would get a little beat up and that would scare me shitless. But if anything one of us could help her out.

Johnny chuckles softly and shakes his head, "boy do I know my sister or what?"

I give him a puzzled look, he nods behind me at Y/n who was stepping out of our car. She has the biggest smile on her face. The gang rushes over to her followed by Johnny and I.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Dally growls.

"Ya'll said I can't fight so I'm here to watch." She smirks and hops up onto the hood of the car.

"You shouldn't even be here."

"Why? I could get hurt watching." She smiles smugly when Dally heats up.

"Listen here ya little shit-"

"Cut it out Dal." I push him aside. I'm sure he would have belted me one there if not for Darry pulling him away.

Y/n smiles at me and I just shake my head with the smallest smile.

"Ya'll better get ready, the money bags are showing up." She gestures towards the side of the road where at least five mustangs pull up. "Johnny you sure you wanna fight tonight?"

Johnny nods in response.

"Well okay. Just try not to get hurt."

We walk back and line up across from the Socs. Someone from Tim's gang had said something and started a trash talking war. I wasn't paying attention, my mind was elsewhere.

Someone shouts my name, pulling me out of my trance. I look over and come face to face with a Soc fist.

The rumble was officially on.


I feel soo evil with all these cliffhangers >:))

~Stay Gold bitches

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