chapter 12

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Sodas POV

I was in the bathroom greasing my hair back, I wanted to look good for tonight. When im satisfied I walk back into my room where Pony sits with his nose in a book.

"How do I look?" I ask posing for him.

He pokes his head up.

"The same." He answers looking back at his book.

Which was true, I had on a flannel shirt. I basically lived in flannel.

Y/n walked in.

"Pony mind if I borrow-" she notices me standing there, "oh hey Soda. You look nice."

"Thanks, so do you." I reply. I knew I was blushing, but I didn't care cause so was she.

"Thanks but I'm not even ready yet, I was just about to ask pony if he had a shirt I could borrow."

"Oh yeah." Pony puts the book down and rummaged through the closet a little.

My eyes sweep over her, I couldn't help it.

Man those jeans fit her nicely.

Pony returnes with a shirt in his hand.

"Thanks Pony." She smiled and ruffled his hair.

She walks out. Leaving me staring after her.

Pony chuckles. I forgot he was there, I blush.

She comes back in and tosses her other shirt in the laundry pile, that accumulated in the corner.

Her and Pony were the same size. The shirt was meant to be a little tight, so it hugged all her curves.

"You two ready yet?!" Steve calls up.

"Just let me touch up my makeup." She hurries to the bathroom.

As soon as she leaves Ponyboy looks at me smirking.

"So are you gonna ask her out or just stare at her the whole time?"

"Damn was it that obvious? Do you think she noticed?" I ask a little worried, but I wouldn't admit that.

"Cool it will ya, she hasn't said anything yet so clearly it doesn't bug her." He answers a little harshly.

I nod. He was right, clearly she didn't care. Maybe she liked it when I checked her out.

"So do you like her?" He lays down with his hands behind his head.

I had to think about how to answer for a second.


"Finished!" Y/n says cutting me off. She did a little twirl showing off her whole outfit.

"Well then lets go!" Steve shouts from the living room.

"See ya Pony." She says leaving the room.

"Bye."  he calls after her.

"Bye kiddo." I playfully punch him in the ribs.

"Bye Soda." He turns his back to me, running his hands up and down his back making it look like he was making out with someone.

I toss a pillow at his head and leave.

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