chapter 60

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Sodas POV

I stayed with Y/n at the hospital that night, I didn't have to work the next morning so it was fine. We slept in a vacant room on a large leather couch. I didn't sleep much, Y/n did but she was tossing and turning all night.

It wasn't until around 5 in the morning I decided I was done trying to rest, so I carefully slipped out of Y/n's grasp and wansdered the halls.

It was dimly lit but stil, bright enough to see. The sun poking up just above the trees sent a pale yellow glow that cascaded across the tall brick building.

It was times like these I wish I had a camera to commemorate images like these whenever I felt the need to. I padded down the halls and around each different floor, the sound of faint beeping could be heard under each patients door.

I finally make it back down to the floor Y/n was on when docters wheeling a stretcher passes by me quickly. Good thing I had skidded to a hault or else my feet would have been run over.

I lay back down next to Y/n and she stirs slightly, but instantly lays back down. What with my short adventure around this curious place I felt my eyes become droopy amd soon found myself asleep.

In the morning I woke up to an empty spot beside me. I just assumed Y/n was in the washroom. I sit up and stretch the large clock on the wall showed the time 8:37. Not long after I woke up Y/n ran towrds me from down the hall.

"Babe are you okay?!" I ask when she frantically grabs my hand.

"It's Johnny!" That simple sentence was enough to propel me forward. We race down the hall hand in hand at lightning speed.


So far it seems like I'm going to be writing a Jally Fanfic next a bunch of you have been messaging me, voting for that one soooo thats gonna be next along with my secret fanfic which I will be announcing soon because unfortunately this one will be coming to an end soon!!  :))

~Stay Gold Bitches

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