chapter 38

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Your POV

It was Saturday.  The day of the rumble. And I wasn't allowed to go. Dally already told Darry I couldn't go and of course with Darry being the overprotective mom he is, he agreed.

"I don't understand why I can't go." I whine crossing my arms.

"Becuase it's dangerous." Darry says walking into the living room.

"Then why are Pony and Johnny allowed to go?"

"Thats different."

"Cause I'm a girl." He looks at me.

"Well yeah. It's all guys fighting tonight we don't need you getting hurt."

I let out a loud huff. Darry chuckles and rolls his eyes. He flops next to me on the sofa.

"Look I'm sorry but everyone would be worried." He smiles softly.

"Yeah I know." I look down. "It's fine I'll find something to do."

He ruffles my hair and walks upstairs.

One way or another, I would fight in that rumble. No matter what the boys say.

Sorry its short. I have a super bad headache and feel kinda sick. I just didn't feel like writing.

~Stay Gold bitches

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