Chapter 35: Carnival Fun

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What's a carnival without a dash of fun?

~Autumn Rose


Autumn barged into my room as I was wallowing in self doubt.

"Oh hell no. You are not going to let that bitch ruin your life. I think it's time we go have some fun." Autumn said clasping her hands together evilly.

"Like what?" 

She smiled at me "You'll just have to wait and see." I looked at her with my fear filled eyes.

*Time Lapse*

I looked at myself in the mirror, as I stared at the outfit, Autumn had picked out for me. It was simple, a pair of jeans and my infamous black Magcon hoodie. I was starting to really miss Magcon. I though back to the day I realized I loved Shawn boy was that day just fun.

*Flash Back*

It's taken some great deliberation to now say that whatever happens at Magcon will most likely end up on the internet on way or another. I woke up in the hotel room to 9 teenage boys spraying each other with silly string, smack camming each other, filming videos, playing music (AKA SHAWN), and most importantly waking me up!

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND GET OUT OF MY HOTEL ROOM IT IS 3 IN THE MORNING WE HAVE REHEARSAL TOMORROW SO GET OUT AND GO TO BED!" They all looked at me like i had just dumped a bowl of spaghetti on my head for no reason.

"Are you serious?" I turned to give Nash a death glare which made him hide behind Cam and shrink down to the floor cowering in fear. Everyone continued to stare at me not moving a muscle.

"Did I stutter? Lets go out time for bed. You!" I pointed at Shawn who was sitting down his guitar in hand. He looked up to see my annoyed expression, no doubt knowing I was irritated.

"You should know not to wake me up when I don't want to be woken up, so get your Canadian ass up and go to bed or else." He smirks at me his grin sly.

"Or else what?" I took out my phone and dialed the number of the person Shawn was most afraid of besides me.

"Hello, Karen is this a bad time? Oh well Shawn here w.." Shawn clamped his hand over my mouth whispering in my ear.

"I'll go just don't get her mad." I nodded

"Oh sorry about that Mrs. Mendes Shawn just wanted me to tell you he says 'Hi' and that he misses you, Mr. Mendes, and Aaliyah. Yep. Uh huh right, okay have a good night, bye." I turned to look at Shawn's retreating figure.

"Next time it'll be Mahogany who gets woken up! Let this be a warning if I am woken up at 3 in the morning again no one will ever have children and I mean EVER!" I shut my door after Shawn's fast retreat out of here. Waking back over to my bed i get under the covers and curl up in the warmth of the blankets once more falling asleep.

The Next Morning*

The boys were tired it was literally written all over their faces. Me being the smug little asshole I am I grabbed my coffee leaning on Gilinsky's shoulder I sip my coffee and smile.

"How'd you boys sleep?" G looks at me then my coffee, swiping it away from me before I could even blink, he then takes a long swing of it and sighs in content after he swallows the large gulp he had just taken from my drink.

"What the hell Gilinsky give it back!" I then proceed to try and get my coffee away form him, by jumping on his back attempting to reach and grab my coffee. Out of nowhere I am ripped off of Gilinsky and carried away by one of the boys. As i'm being dragged I glare at the remaining 8 boys who are now recording and laughing about what had just happened while Jack G looks at me with the slightest terror in his eyes.

I continue to squirm, now basically trying to hit the boy holding me back from trying to retrieve my delicious coffee Jack had just stolen. I feel them loosen their grip a bit giving me time to turn around and see who now stands in my way in the mission to get my coffee back. Surprise, surprise it's Mr Shawn Mendes everyone.

*End Of Flash Back*

I laughed to myself, remembering all the fun times I had with them, before everything got complicated.

"Issy, you ready to go?" I turn around to see Autumn and Cameron standing by my door. I smiled and walked with them down the stairs and out the door into the car.

"Where are Shawn and Camila?" Cameron asked as we began to drive away, I was sitting in the back seat while Cam drove and Autumn sat in the passenger seat. From there I saw her simply shrug.

"They were to busy practicing that I never bothered to ask." She said, it didn't surprise me that Autumn hadn't even considered to ask them to join, although it would be hard to be around either of them at this point, I quietly thanked Autumn for not inviting Shawn and Camila. We arrived at the carnival, being as it was located on the pier and we lived by the beach it wasn't a very long drive. Parking the car, we all get out and head to the entrance.

"Fun here we come."

*Time Lapse*

 "That was awesome!" Autumn and I said together as we made our way back to the car. Cameron was in front of us getting prepared to unlock the car. Our time at the carnival was amazing, we went on rides, played games, won prizes, and we even met a few fans. But best of all I got to forget about Shawn and Camila, and just enjoy myself for a while with some amazing people.

It was dark by the time we got home the living room light was on so I figured they were up, we walked in and that's when it all went to hell.


Author's Note:

Hey I hope you enjoyed the cliff hanger.

Until Next Update.


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