Chapter 37: Impossible

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Nothing is impossible, if you don't believe it is.

~Shawn Mendes



 There Shawn and Camila were laughing. Shawn turned and saw me standing there, getting up out of his seat he walks over to me a smile on his face made my heart warm up. Then he opened his mouth, and my heart fell.

"When did you get here Isabelle?"He didn't even know I was here for the fight between him and Autumn. I only stared at him stupidly, before I stepped away from him and walked outside into the dark.

Shawn never followed me, he never called out for me to stop. It made me think again about what Camila had said to me.

Maybe I was forgotten.


I sat outside for the longest time, not once did I feel like I was okay. Maybe it was because I might be loosing Shawn to that she devil inside, or maybe it was because I didn't feel like Shawn and I were anything anymore.

"Isabelle?" I looked up to see Shawn standing above me looking at me in concern. I stood up quickly, and wiped away some of my stray tears.

"Shawn, what are you doing shouldn't you be with Camila?" I said sniffling a small bit as I spoke.

"I was more concerned about you, why are you crying?" I didn't answer him instead I walked away.

"Issy, what's been going on with you lately? Your not the same." I turned on him anger blazing brightly inside me.

"I haven't changed Shawn. You have ever since Camlia came you've been so focused on her and you that you have completely forgotten about the rest of us." 

"What?! No I haven't!" I laughed in his face, and turned around walking away from him.

"You say that Shawn but your blind to the truth."

"Come on Isabelle, I was working on  music, you can't be mad at me for that!" 

"You don't get it Shawn i'm not mad i'm afraid!" He stared at me dumbly.

"Afraid of what Isabelle?"

"I'm afraid i'm going to lose you!" Shawn was silent so I continued to speak.

"I know how it is Shawn, your afraid that your going to wake up and find me dead somewhere. I'm afraid if I lose you, I will! I'm so fucking terrified of what could happen to us. It makes me crazy." I nearly sobbed as I told him this, he remained quiet as I continued.

"I'm so fucking afraid that one day i'm going to wake up and see that you've given up on me and moved on to be with someone better, someone like Camila. A girl whose normal who you can look at and never have to worry if she's going to be here one day and dead the next. Shawn i'm trying so hard to get better for you and for myself." 

"Isabelle I don't know why your saying all of this?" I looked at him like he was a stranger to me, did he even understand?

"Your going on tour again Shawn and you never told me." 

"What are you talking about Isabelle?" I turned away from him exasperated.

"Camila told me about you two going on tour, for the new song." 

"Camila lied Isabelle." 

"What?!" I turned back to look at Shawn again his face was red with fury, he fiddled with his hands like he always did when he was mad.

"I'm not going on tour Issy, I mean we just got back from Magcon why would I be leaving again?"

"What about the song?"

"You think i'm going to leave you Issy? Are you crazy your my best friend, I love you more then anything else in the world how can I leave when your not coming with me." It felt as though my heart was going to burst. Camila's words stopped echoing in my mind as I looked to Shawn's light brown eyes I loved to get lost in.

"What's going to happen to us?" Shawn stepped towards me taking my hands in his as he held them.  

"I have no fucking idea Issy but I love you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened that would destroy that." We stayed there under the tree for what seemed like hours, Autumn and Cameron came into the kitchen once we returned inside, we laughed and told jokes as we just sat there enjoying each others company. Camila left to her room after she saw me and Shawn walk back inside the house, I felt bad for the girl but at the same time I didn't.

What did she deserve from me? What kindness that I had shown to her did she return back to me? Couldn't she just admit to herself that breaking two people who genuinely love each other make her look evil.

Then again what do I care.

"I'm going up to bed guys." I said giving Shawn a quick kiss before I walked up to my room turning the lights on I am startled to see Camila standing looking out my balcony doors.

"What are you doing in my room Camila?" I asked her crossing my arms over my chest.

"Waiting for you of course." She said turning around a crocked smile on her face.

"Upset Camila?"

"Why on earth would I be upset?"

"Your plan didn't work, you failed if anything Shawn and I are closer than ever thanks to you. He thinks your a liar, you know he was never going on tour." She simply smiled stepping closer to me I felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster but I kept my composer.

"You think that was my plan Isabelle? You must really be naive, I knew you and Shawn would make up, that's just part of my plan. You may think you have him now but just you wait, because when you least expect it Shawn will be with me and you will be a worthless shell of a girl he never loved in the first place. So just you wait Isabelle hell is about to come and bite you in the ass." Camila smiled and walked out making sure to bash my shoulder with hers on her way out of the room. As soon as she was gone I fell onto the bed.

Some things make you crazy, others make you happy. But at this point it felt nearly impossible to not believe what Camila had said was true.


Author's Note:

There is some drama for this chapter.

Do you think Isabelle and Shawn will be able to work through anything?

What do you think Camila has up her sleeve?

That's all for today.

Until Next Update

~Paige <3

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