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"You know what I like about this book?" She questioned, waving it in front of his face.

They were in his living, watching the movie she'd brought over. She lay on the couch with her head on his lap and her feet on the other end.


Forcing her body into sitting position, she straddled his legs as she loosely swang her arms around his neck. "It's reverent to every time period."

"How so?"

"One word: Division." A fond smile graced his lips as she paused. He prepared himself for the knowlege she was about to bistol upon him. "In the outsiders it was because of money. Nowadays it's because of race. In ancient times it was about religion."

Without her saying another word, he knew where she was going. "You like how S.E. Hinton showed that when we realize division exist, we can always overcome them."


He glowed in her praise, and whispered, "One day."

"'One day' what?"

"You're going to blow this world away."

She shook her head as she leaned jn towards him. "No. We're going to blow this world away."



DP: Apr.2.18
WC: 187

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